Saturday, August 31, 2019

Descartes and Skepticism Essay

Rene Descartes was a great scientist, mathematician and philosopher. He was known for his extensive work on skepticism, and in particular a piece called â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy† (written in 1641) which is still widely used by modern philosophers. In this publication, Descartes’ aim was to demonstrate that a persons’ soul is eternal and that God exists. He explains in Meditation One that it is possible to question the existence of all things; in Meditation two he goes on to give details regarding the existence of the mind and the soul. In the Third Meditation he gives arguments of proof of Gods’ existence; and in Meditation Four he explains the difference between truth and error. In the Fifth Meditation Descartes provides further arguments to prove the existence of God and in the Sixth and final meditation he brings it all together as he demonstrates how knowledge of the mind can be guided by God and therefore validates the knowledge we have of physical world. (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010). This essay will explain Descartes argument of the existence of God with specific reference to the Third Meditation discussed in the class handout- ‘Descartes and the problem of Skepticism’. Meditation Ð ¨- God’s Existence In the Third Meditation, subtitled â€Å"On God’s existence,† Descartes is certain that he is a â€Å"thinking thing† (pg 142) and sets out to prove God’s Existence. There were two major standpoints noted in his argument, though they were found to be closely linked. Firstly, he tackles the idea that his own existence and thoughts must have come from somewhere or something. He goes on to explain that the thought he has of God is one of an â€Å"eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipotent, creator of all things† (pg 143). As a result, Descartes argues that the idea of God must therefore be far more complex than his mind alone can perceive- since his idea of God is that of an infinite, perfect being and Descartes himself is a finite being lacking enough formal reality to create such an idea on his own will. Put simply, Descartes believes that the idea of God could not have been created in his own limited mind; and he establishes that God must be the originator of his thoughts and therefore God exists. Secondly, Descartes battles with the idea that his existence must have a cause. He discusses the various possibilities that might have caused his existence including that he might have created himself; he might have always existed; his parents created him; that he was created by something less benevolent and perfect than God; and lastly, that it was God who created him. Descartes takes on an elimination process to figure out which one of these possibilities are likely true. He discusses that he could not have created himself because as he says â€Å"I would have given myself every perfection† (pg 146). Next he dismisses the idea that he always existed simply because as he describes that he is a dependent being that needs to be continually sustained by another. Descartes establishes that the idea of his parents being his creator only reintroduces the same problem regarding their own existence. He then thought of the possibility of a less than perfect God being his creator- but he argues that the idea of perfection that exists in his mind could not have originated from a non-perfect being. With this established, Descartes concludes that there must be a perfect God who is the cause of his existence and his perfect idea of God. In analysis of Descartes position, the observation is made that the basis of his argument is causal reasoning. This is shown when he suggests that there must be a cause of the idea of a perfect God and that this perfect idea must come from God himself. In my own reflection, I thought that living a predominantly Christian society might be the cause of my own idea of God. I have learnt all that I know about God from my parents and by extension the society. It therefore follows, that my parents’ idea of God might have come from their parents also, whose idea somewhere along the line came from the church- which is also made up of men who has parents. Descartes argument supports that at the end of this causal chain, there has to be a first cause, which is God. Since there is no direct of evidence proving or disproving the existence of God, the belief in his existence is widely accepted today, and the search for such a proof would always be a highly debatable and controversial topic. While there is still disagreement over Descartes argument as to whether or not God exists, it is generally agreed that God’s existence cannot be proved through the capacity of the mind and therefore we rely on such concepts as skepticism and reasoning to guide what we choose to believe of God. References * Smith, K. (2010, September 20). Descartes’ life and works. Retrieved October 11, 2011from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-works * Class Handout- Descartes and The Problem of Skepticism.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Digestive System and the Urinary System

Man loves food and loves to eat. His appetite is always good and in some cases, he will eat food even if he is not hungry especially if the food is tasty. Of course, food has to get into the blood to be carried to the body’s cells. Only soluble food or food which has already been dissolved can do this. Most of the food we eat, however, is insoluble. Even if you grind it down finely, it still won’t dissolve. And so, to make use of it, our body has to break it down into chemicals which can dissolve.This breakdown is called digestion, and it takes place in the digestive system. After our body completely utilizes the food and its nutrients or minerals, it becomes waste and this waste should be removed. It is now the part or role of the urinary system to control the discharge of certain waste materials filtered from the blood by the kidneys. Understanding these two systems, working hand in hand, would further improve one’s appreciation of how our body functions. Our d igestive system is a tube with two openings and many specialized organs.It extends from the mouth of the anus and is also called the gastrointestinal tract. An interesting fact about the gastrointestinal tract is that while food or food residues are in it, technically the material is still outside the body. Nutrients don’t â€Å"officially† enter the body until they move from the space inside the digestive tube, its lumen, into the bloodstream. From beginning to end, mucus-coated epithelium lines surfaces facing the lumen. The thick, moist mucus protects the wall of the tube and enhances diffusion across its inner lining.When we eat, the food advances in one direction, following the major components of the human digestive system, from the mouth or oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and the large intestine or colon. The large intestine ends in the rectum, anal canal and anus. . If the complete digestive system of an adult human were fully stretche d out, it would extend 6. 5 to 9 meters or 21 to 30 feet; definitely one big tube. The mouth or the oral cavity is the entrance to the digestive system where the food is moistened and chewed. It can be said that the polysaccharide digestion starts in the mouth.The pharynx is the entrance to the tubular part of the system and to the respiratory system as well. It moves the food toward by contracting sequentially. On the other hand, the esophagus is the muscular, saliva-moistened tube that moves food from pharynx to stomach. The stomach is the muscular sac which stretches to store the food we take, faster than can be processed. Gastric fluid mixes with food and kills many pathogens. If the mouth is the place for polysaccharide digestion, the stomach is the place where protein digestion starts. It secretes grhelin.Grhelin is the appetite hormone which is responsible for those individuals who always want to eat. The small intestine on the other hand, has three parts. The first part of t he small intestine, namely the duodenum which is C-shaped and almost 10 inches long, receives secretions from the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. The second part, the jejunum which is almost three feet long, is the part of the small intestine where most nutrients are digested and absorbed. The third part is the ileum which is six to seven feet long and absorbs some nutrients and delivers unabsorbed material to large intestine.The large intestine concentrates and stores undigested matter by absorbing mineral ions and water. The large intestine of the adult human is about five feet long and it is divided into ascending transverse and descending portions. The last two major components of the digestive system are the rectum and the anus. The rectum is the distension which stimulates expulsion of the feces while the anus is the end of the digestive system and has a terminal opening through which feces are expelled. (Smith and Morton, 2001). The other system, urinary system, consists onl y of the two kidneys, two ureters, urinary bladder and the urethra.The two kidneys are shaped like beans, with the indentation or hilum, which faces medially. The kidney contains both excretory and collecting elements in the form of epithelial tubes and cavities, which are separated and supported by connective tissue laced with blood vessels. The two ureters, urinary bladder and urethra are all collecting elements. The ureters carry the urine from each kidney to the urinary bladder. A single urethra then carries the urine to the outside. We should be aware that the urethra is one component of the urinary system whose final development and location differ in the male and female.The ureters and urinary bladder are also lined with transitional epithelium. Surrounding this lining are thick walls formed by multiple layers of smooth muscle held together by connective tissue, particularly prominent in the urinary bladder. The urethra is lined by a combination of epithelial types, ranging f rom transitional to stratified squamous. The stratified squamous is the epithelium characteristic of structure close to or on the outside of the body (Premkumar, 2004). To sum the components and functions of the urinary system, the two kidneys produce urine while the ureters convey the urine to the urinary bladder.The urinary bladder in return stores the urine while the urethra transports the urine out of the body. The digestive system maintains the homeostasis in the human body through mechanical processing and motility, secretion, digestion, absorption and elimination. In mechanical processing and motility, movements of the various parts, such as teeth, tongue and muscle layers, break up, mix and propel the food material that we eat. In secretion, the digestive enzymes and other substances are released into the digestive tube.Digestion occurs when the food that we eat is chemically broken down into nutrient molecules until they become small enough to be absorbed. Following digesti on, of course, is absorption, where the digested nutrients and fluid pass across the tube wall and into blood or the lymph. Finally, elimination takes place when the undigested and unabsorbed residues are eliminated form the end of the digestive system or gastrointestinal tract. While the urinary system maintains homeostasis in the body by excreting and reabsorbing important electrolytes, compounds and water.Depending on the changes in the blood’s acid-base balance, the kidneys can either excrete bicarbonate or form new bicarbonate and add it to the blood. The necessary chemical reactions go on in the cells of the so called nephron tubule walls. For example, when the blood is too acid such as when we drink softdrinks or soda, water and carbon dioxide combine with the help of an enzyme. They form a compound called the carbonic acid that then can be broken into bicarbonate and H+. Then, the bicarbonate produced in the reactions moves into the interstitial fluid, and form there into peritubular capillaries.It ends up in the general circulation, where it buffers excess H+. H+ formed in the tubule cells is removed from the body. It is secreted into the nephron’s lumen, where it may combine with bicarbonate ions in the filtrate. Sadly for them, those ions can’t cross the tubule wall. But when bicarbonate is not available, the excess H+ combines with phosphate ions or ammonia and is excreted in the urine. This is how kidneys rid the body of hydrogen ions. On the other hand, when the blood is too alkaline, chemical adjustments in the kidneys normally ensure that less bicarbonate is reabsorbed into the bloodstream.Based on how the structure and function of two organ systems collaborate to maintain the body’s homeostasis, I think that a robot having a digestive system and urinary system exactly alike that of the humans is impossible. Robots can be used to cure or treat digestive or urinary system problems but robots having these systems seem impossible. More generally, robots are used to treat humans and help doctors in surgeries. This is evident in the use of robots in surgery or the so-called â€Å"Surgical Robotics† which is considered to be the â€Å"state of the art and future trend, especially towards autonomy† (Finlay, 2007).The examples of medical robot taxonomy are medical robots, surgical robotics, non-surgical robotics, image guided robots and multi-arm telemanipulators. They are also used in neurosurgery and there are new developments such as the developing strategic surgical robots and tactical surgical robots. On the contrary, robots may have a â€Å"digestive system or urinary system† that is similar or functions the same way as the digestive system or urinary system of humans, but not totally or exactly the same.If humans were to create robots with digestive systems of urinary systems, then that would be really difficult and the resulting project would be really complex. In addition to this, it would require us to develop sophisticated nanotechnology or use a lot of nanotechnology just to create one digestive system or one urinary system. After all, it is the body which secretes the enzymes or chemicals which conducts the bodily processes needed in the human body. A robot cannot simply produce the chemicals which are exactly the same as what our body creates or secretes.A hypothetical digestive and urinary system for a robot would look similar to the parts and processes that occur inside the automobiles. The gasoline is the robot’s food and the carburetor or the pistons are the teeth of the robot. An engine will serve as the stomach and in the case of a spark ignition engine, the spark will be similar to the chemicals or enzyme which the digestive system releases in order to digest or ignite the food. The gasoline which was not properly utilized or if incomplete combustion occurs, carbon dioxide or other gas emissions (similar to feces in the human body) will be released in the exhaust.

Incorporate into Nursing Practice Essay

Customs and traditions based on culture are practices, actions or way of doing things that have existed for a long time. These practices are often believed to have a benefit, in the case of female circumcision, it is believed that a woman who is circumcised become a better wife in that it limits the possibility of infidelity. Practitioners of female circumcision perceive it as an integral part of the female’s cleansing and preparation for marriage. It is perceived as beneficial to a woman. However, medical knowledge identifies female circumcision as a practice that is detrimental to a woman’s health (Althaus, 1997). In the United States, female circumcision continues to be practiced because immigrants who believe in this tradition uphold the perception that such a practice is beneficial to the woman. For the CHN, there is a need to educate these practitioners of the detrimental effects of such a practice on health. To address cultural practices that are disadvantageous or detrimental to health the best primary measure would be to provide education regarding these issues. The prevention of harmful practices is key to the community health practice and should be directed to â€Å"well† individuals (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004). As such health promotion and education should start with local information campaign that educates about the occurrence of female circumcision as well as the negative effects it has on a woman’s long term health (Althaus, 1997). This action provides specific protection to the community. An immediate goal should be to be able to communicate to these small cultural communities and inform their members of the dangers of their practice. Costello (2004) explained that educating these communities is the best method of protection. This information campaign should involve written materials, presentations, media, group process and peer support to provide many channels of communication to members of the community. A principal goal should be to be able to disseminate information quickly and with great accessibility. The help of community leaders and figure heads should be sought for this information campaign. The challenge to the Western health practitioner is to be able to integrate Western medicine with non-Western traditions by involving community leaders and figure heads, the CHN gains credibility within the community and the introduction of new concepts can be better received (Bastable, 2007). Secondary prevention involves identifying cases of individuals who have been subjected to female circumcision as well as individuals who are practitioners of female circumcision. According to Althaus (1997) the practice of female circumcision is rarely spoken of and if it occurs to a woman, the victim, normally does not want to talk about it. Secondary prevention should involve creating community centers or groups that can provide support to women who have undergone female circumcision, or who are in risk of it. These centers or groups can help women deal with the physical and emotional consequences of undergoing such violent acts. As a second measure, an anonymous referral service should be established to create a channel where individuals can anonymously report the occurrence of female circumcision, individuals suspected of having undergone female circumcision or individuals who promote female circumcision. This helps the CHN identify individuals who may have physical or emotional needs due to female circumcision or individuals who are in risk of female circumcision. Tertiary prevention should involve rehabilitating the persons who have undergone female circumcision as well as creating an alternative practice that achieves the same benefit as that perceived in the performance of female circumcision (BBC News, 1998). According to Althaus (1997) female circumcision was seen as passage into womanhood and preparation for marriage. In an effort to prevent the occurrence of female circumcision, an alternative initiation ritual can be introduced to take the place of female circumcision. Reference List Althaus, F. A. (1997). Female Circumcision: Right of Passage or Violation of Rights. International Family Planning Perspectives, 23(3). Bastable, S. B. (2007). Nurse as Educator. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. BBC News. (1998). Female Genital Mutilation. BBC News: World Edition. Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/health/medical_notes/241221. stm Costello, A. (2004, February 19). Two in U. S. Accused of Genital Mutilation. Women’s E News. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from http://www. womensenews. org/article. cfm/dyn/aid/1718 Stanhope, M. and Lancaster, J. (2004). Community and Public Health Nursing. St. Loius, Missouri: Mosby.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

WestMercia Notebooks Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

WestMercia Notebooks Ltd - Essay Example As and when such orders come, the company can deliver it immediately. Notebooks prepared on order, generally carry the name of the college, institute, corporate house etc. who is ordering it. When WestMercia starts keeping some minimum stock of readymade notebooks, carrying the name of the company, it is bound to help the company in establishing a brand identity. An entity is something that is supposed to have a distinct, separate existence and identity. In this category, generally we take person, place, thing, event, or concept, about which information is to be stored. WestMercia Notebooks mainly has the following entities; Entity Life History (ELH) analyses the life cycle of the entities in the WestMercia Notebooks Ltd. ELH diagram also includes sequencing, iteration or timing of events in the system. It also investigates the integrity requirements and successor actions relevant for each entity, the administration of the entity, and the deletion of the entity. ELH is thus used to define the rules and regulations determining the life cycle of the entities and how do we perform actions like insert, update, and delete. ELH Diagram for 'Notebook': Event-1: The Customer i.e. college/ institution/ retailer/ wholesaler approaches the company with the specification of the notebook. Event-2: After WestMercia Notebooks Ltd. receives the orders, it starts processing it with the help of different departments Event-3: The production department makes the notebooks with appropriate specifications and sends them for being delivered to the customer. Event-4: The notebook is distributed amongst students, employees by the colleges or institutions and sold by retailers and wholesalers. Students and employees in turn use the notebooks and thus the notebook completes its useful life. ELH Diagram for 'Order': Event-1: Marketing team starts negotiations on the order. Negotiations take place regarding order size, prices, expected time of delivery etc. Such negotiations also often involve some discounts, if the customer has been a regular one for the company, with good payment record. Event-2: Once the negotiations are over, a consolidated order is prepared, with details like terms of payments, advances, discounts etc. Event-3: The production department starts working on the order, places order for raw material and once the notebooks are ready, sends it across to the dispatch sections for packaging and delivery. Event-4: The account department takes a look at the payment position, and accordingly gives a go ahead to the dispatch department for sending it across to the customer. Thus the order is completed within couple of days or weeks, depending upon the order

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Effect of Technology on Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Effect of Technology on Education - Essay Example The adoption of technology in education is capable of giving opportunity to the students to develop their thoughts according to the education offered. Before 2nd world war the American Business men used to appreciate the educational system that made people into workers without will or purpose. The adoption of technology into education should be in such a manner that it can be utilized in all the branches of education, so that no branch of education is left out without using the advances in technology. By adopting the technology in education there is a chance to liberate the effects of political philosophy. There is a possibility of changing the political philosophy according to the education by using technology. First of all the adoption of technology in any education concentrates on industrial efficiency and it produces efficient workers and managers. By adopting the technology efficiently and prudently in education, the present education system is producing the human resources. (Ma rot, Helen, 1865-1940, 2004) It is opined by number of experts and Glenn commission in 2000 that the educational technology and education interface is advantageous for both. The technology can get commercial usage and the purview and quality of the education can be enhanced. This is due to the fact that the educational technology regarding computer and its peripherals has grown rapidly in recent years. The usage of technology in education will result the increase of usage of technology in the commercial organizations and industry and vice versa. The present day students cannot understand or digest the limitations of technology in the educational institutions and the institutions that offer technological facilities are considered as the best ones in their domain. Both educational and industrial technologies are using internet related technology and this formed the core of education and business. The digital connectivity with other educational institutions, universities and industries is becoming more and more vi tal as the information and knowledge sharing has been organized and it will increase the efficiency of the institutions. The following quote is the opinion of the US department of commerce. "Therefore raising the level of digital inclusion by increasing the number of people using the technology tools of the digital age is a vitally important national goal. "(No author, 2005) 3. Enhancing the Positive Educational Change The vital importance of the technology is insisted due to the effective and positive change in education due to increase in usage of technology. The inability and uncertainty of schools and universities that do not provide leadership in technology areas of education cannot improve and share learning processes and methods. The sharing of the thoughts and views which is used to be done in the past after the education can be done in the course of education due to technology. This effect can make meaningful recommendation of increase of usage of technology in education. When the knowledge of technology is inadequate for any institution to make meaningful recommendations, they can take assistance of the government and industry. This advice is due to the fact that the technology is responsible for the increase of productivity and profitability in many industries. As the increase of p

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Memo - Essay Example o focuses on potential benefits of paying part of fee for the college attendance, for the students, to create a clear picture of the possible effects of the move on the students and the company. One of the benefits of the move to sponsor the students is the knowledge that they will gain and use in the organization. Even though the organization is a manufacturing company, it requires diversified competencies such as administrative potentials, human resource management potentials, budgeting and planning potentials and leadership skills. Having students attend the college will train them on the business and economics scopes that they can use in different sectors of the organization. Training students on cost accounting and managerial accounting, elements of the college’s accounting program, will for example facilitate efficiency in planning for organization’s resources and promote cost effectiveness towards lower production cost. Even though the company may spend significant amount of money on paying the students’ fee, the results, which is likely to culminate into higher profit margin, due to low production cost, may surpass the expenditure in the fee. Ef ficiencies may also emerge from improved competencies in human resource management and leadership that can motivate and empower students for greater potentials and productivity levels. Training some students on human resource management will facilitate an understanding of students’ attitudes and changes in attitudes for measures that can ensure favorable environment for students’ optimal output. Developing leadership potentials is will also help the trained students to facilitate the organizations’ objectives through empowering and influencing other students. Paying part of the students’ fee, in sponsoring them into the school, will also have general positive effects on their perception on the company, and commitment to the company. The move is likely to develop students’ perception that the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Philosophy - Essay Example refuted widely through Reliabilism and Gettier Cases, both of which have highly contrasting views and opinions on the aspect of knowledge particularly in the context of ‘justified true belief’. This paper attempts to analyze, discuss and evaluate the various arguments put forward by both these branches and assess how the concept of ‘justified true belief’ is refuted by Gettier case, and thereby fails to solve the counter problems posed by the same. There are various branches of reliabilism, all of which are centered on the single notion of ‘justified true belief’ with regard to explanations regarding knowledge. Some of such theories are discussed hereunder, to explain how it helps or fails in providing logical solution to the problems raised by Gettier. Reliabilism is one of the most widely used and debated theories in contemporary epistemology of which process reliabilism is one such aspect which makes the study of processes that lead to and upholds such beliefs, extremely crucial. The basic idea propagated by process reliabilism theories is that: Reliabilism, on the other hand, in general is an approach which stresses on the importance of formation of truth, through a specific method, or a belief-forming process. The concept of reliability pertains to theories of knowledge such as the tracking theory, which lays greater significance on extracting or seeking truth. In a narrow definition of reliabilism it refers to process reliabilism that is used to seek justification for the knowledge held. P (here, it refers to a proposition) knows that the sky is blue, if and only if P is true, one may believe that P is true, and one believes that P is true because P has arrived at that knowledge / belief that the sky is blue, through some reliable process. This theory was refuted by Gettier in the Gettier problem, whereby the concept of ‘knowledge’ as it pertains to ‘justified true belief’ was challenged. The Gettier problem or the Gettier cases

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Angles Ashes Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Angles Ashes - Speech or Presentation Example This also serves as a  justification  of his stealing food from rich neighbour. We read of Frank’s  exploration  in the library where he finds a sex manual, and as he indulges in it, he realizes that his father did not tell him the truth about the â€Å"Angel on the seventh step.† Miss O’Riordan, the librarian, gets him  busy  on the sex material, and directs him to leave the library. Frank seeks refuge in the people’s park where he falls into a deep sleep during which he has a sexually arousing  dream. Suddenly, he wakes up to the  sight  of people filled with disgust, and are busy pulling their children from his him (McCourt, 296). Back at Abs  house  Frank prepares himself for his first day at work as a messenger. He gets a loaf of bread hidden in Abs coat, helps himself to a  slice  and drinks water to fill his  stomach. He then puts on his grandmothers old woollen clothes to keep him warm while his clothes dry up. His aunt Aggy brings drunken Abs home, and she laughs at the  sight  of  frank  in grandmothers’ clothes. She sends him for some water outside, and the neighbours also laugh at the  sight  of  frank  in the old baggy clothes. Frank tells her aunt that he is living at Abs place till he could afford for his mother and brothers. Guilt as a  theme  is addressed  in this chapter. Frank is  guilty  of his sinful masturbating problem which is a source of his  guilt  since he reckons time and again the priest telling them anytime they  sin  the Virgin Mary weeps, and that Christ’s wounds  are reopened. His guilt worsens when he cannot resist the urge to masturbate. Franks' guilt also leads him to  condemn  himself to  hell, and  thus  he justifies his  act  of stealing food since he  is bound  to go to hell. McCourt brings out hunger is a  theme  though not majored in this chapter. Frank steals food from  wealthy  neighbours (287). We also read of the hidden loaf of bread in uncle pats  coat  frank  helps himself to a slice, and drinks water to  feel  full (296). A  look  into franks  statement  on his  plan  to buy a house for his mother and brothers, his aunt admits that it would be â€Å"more than your father would do† (Ferrel 13). This quote is  significant  in the  manner  that it tells us a lot about franks' characters trait it also tells us about the  character  of franks father. Frank is a strong willed boy. He  is determined  to free mother and his brothers’ from their  impoverished  state. He is also full of hope he believes with his messengers’ salary he can provide for his brother, and at the same time their mother. The rhetorical style of writing, although, not clear in the 14th chapter. There is this  case  that involves Mr. O’ Halloran when he says he  is disgusted  with the system that forces young, bright boy s to do petty jobs, yet he is already aware of the poverty stricken state of their country, and such happenings are a common thing. He also tells frank he should leave for America and we know that it is  impossible. Frank is a determined young boy. He strives to achieve greater things than what life

Saturday, August 24, 2019


CULTURAL METAPHORS and THE WEEKLY CULTURAL FOCUS SECTIONS (japan) - Research Proposal Example of the culture is important not only to facilitate proper business transactions but also since total comprehension of a different culture gives room for appreciation of other cultures thereby promoting peaceful coexistence. Therefore, an understanding of the Japanese culture boosts my future career endeavors as an organization’s representative in international forums. Nonetheless, cultural studies require extensive research from different resources ranging from the internet to books among others. The Japanese culture has been covered by relatively many books that are dependable. As such, most of my research will be based on books through the guidance of the librarian on the best reference books. Additionally, I plan to use the internet since it proven to be a great resource especially for information on current issues such as through newspapers and journals. After picking the best at least five references, I will use them to come up with an annotated bibliography which is essential in drawing summaries for the final paper. With this I hope to not only have created an excellent final paper but also to have gained sufficient knowledge regarding the Japanese

Friday, August 23, 2019

Read the case and answer the questions ( but focus more in the first Assignment

Read the case and answer the questions ( but focus more in the first question) - Assignment Example The difference in treatment of financial institutions during and in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis was but well order; for with large risks is the chance to succeed and/or fail, all of which the very institution must bear the most burden. 2. Many experts argue that when the government bails out a private financial institution it creates a problem called â€Å"moral hazard,† meaning that if the institution knows it will be saved, it actually has an incentive to take on more risk, not less. What do you think? No one individual among those in search of growth wishes to fail, and so are the institutions with humans at the helm. Equally true is the very fact that entities only reap rewards commensurate to the seeds sowed; anything else only happens in the charity world. With risk, however, comes responsibility; a case where an institution has â€Å"masked† bad assets and excessive liabilities outside the proximity of determinable levels is but incurable, and a lesson of some sort must be read across the system. It is public knowledge that by the time Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy with Federal Reserve, the financial crisis was well underway, and that bailing out the institution wasn’t a priority; the entire system was. To hit right at the tip, getting the right buttons at that particular moment was but hard to call, and that no one knew for sure that lending the Lehman Brothers a hand was that very right button on behalf of the entire system. If indeed its consequential failure had the weight alluded by a section of scholars in quashing off the crisis, then, it was a mistake on behalf of the government. The foregoing notwithstanding, the downward spiral with exorbitant losses on its books of account wasn’t anything to overlook. Both ways, the decision taken was a double-edged sword with no specified guarantees

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Case Study Analysis on Research Paper

Case Study Analysis on - Research Paper Example Despite him having a degree in computer science, he had a vision to build a network for international trade. In lights of this, Preston founded in 1994 as a website for international trading. Online Retailers and wholesalers as well as buyers and sellers met online globally. Amazon founders had a vision to become one of the world’s leading companies dealing with online trading. The management in sought to reduce negative environmental impacts as there was no physical contact between the traders. Amazon has operating earnings close to $52 million yearly. Amazon Company normally projects to make approximately $22 million to $2.2 billion within five years (World, 2007). Examining the business model they use, Amazon primarily switched to Linux as primary architecture. In addition, Amazon has lowered technology expenses by about 20%. However, the decision to lower technology expenses has not profited Amazon as projected. Company Strategies and Customer Acquisi tion Considering the pricing, the strategies have changed over time. Amazon has regulated the prices through several policies for example, introduction of frustration free packaging. This policy is an initiative that is designed to simply motivate the customers who purchase goods online at different times of the year. The customers feel motivated when they buy two products for the price of one. Another policy is the free packaging certification initiative for manufactures. Their products undergo free laboratory testing to acquire certification. As a result, the certifications on their products increase the value and enable sales at high prices. However, the pricing of products sold at tend to be high hence attracts the upper class society and several middle class persons. customers are mainly acquired through word of mouth through satisfied clients. More customers are venturing into online shopping due to the fact that it is environmental friendly and efficient . Most customers are parents who are purchasing gifts for their children and loved ones. Since Amazon began, it has existed under many models over the years hence adopting other models can work in its favor. However, this will affect the existing revenue steams. The major reason is the fact that obtaining new models will change the technology used. On one hand, when the technology costs increase, the main revenue stream will decline while on the other hand, when the costs of technology decrease, the revenue increases. Challenges and Opportunities facing Amazons major competitors are mainly online shopping websites. Some of them include LL Bean, Electronic trade & Onlineshoppers companies (Night, 2004). The advantage that Amazon has over its competitors is the reliability. Over the years, Amazon has existed selling their products to many customers. Shopping at Amazon has proved worthy over the many years of operation for online traders. One disadvantage is that a lot of co mpetition has risen and the level of technology improved. In considering how has changed the trading industry, there is the belief that innovation has the power to change the world. It has raised interests to trade online (Grant, 2004). The requirement to begin trading online is the desire to shop in a whole new zone. Amazon is always searching for new ways to improve its efficiency on behalf of its customers as well as individuals who shop on trading websites. There are merchants who sell on its


Free Will Essay Essay Many people in the western world hold very dear the idea of independence, that they can think freely, choose freely, and express themselves freely. This all is connected to the idea of free will that many believe is what makes us human. Many people cannot, however, define free will. There is always the feeling that one can do whatever he/she wants. That is probably why this idea is such a pleasing concept. There is just one serious flaw in the free will concept. People cannot determine everything; there are some things, even before one is born, that determines who he will be in the future. Since people do not choose their parents, or the nationality of their family this creates a serious flaw in the free will concept. Now if people were able to choose these sorts of things they would be gods. It is not up to people to choose their skin colour, nationality etc. When one looks at this issue the concept of soft determinism is probably the safest solution to answer this problem. Since in this concept there are things determined for people, if one knows what he is doing, and the choice is not, in any way, forced by the circumstances the action that he is performing is free. (Roberts 2012) It means that even though one does not have full control over his life, meaning that one does not determine anything before he is born, people are still able to make conscious choices given that the circumstances allow it, fore example, like I am going to do this tonight, or I am visiting this person tomorrow, but these are simple choices, while there are others that you cant choose freely, like external forces have control over it than your own free will. On a smaller scale, who one person might become is really decided by the governments, society, and religions. Religions restrict the activities and freedom of those who follow it and live under its rules, just like in other countries, people are slaves to their political system. On a similar note and this is a very rare and cruel case, in countries ruled by dictators the rulers determine whether people live or not. Next comes the laws created by the governments, usually they restrict certain activities that people have to do. Also, governments make rules, regulations and legislation that determine what people will have to do. Lastly, societies impact the freedom and choices of the person who lives and interact within that society, because his choices are limited. There are many factors that would prove that free will doesn’t exist; religion is the most undecided one of them all. In the Bible particularly, many sources suggest that everybody that believes in God already has his faith determined. Various quotations, starting in the Old Testament, state that people already have their paths determined for them. In the letter to Ephesians St. Paul writes In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:11, Jerusalem Bible). It clearly says that if one believes in God and Jesus Christ has his life determined. In another letter to Thessalonians Paul writes that from the beginning â€Å"Because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation† (2 Thessalonians 2:13). This clearly emphasizes the previous point that everyone who believes in God will has his life determined as one of the chosen people who will be saved by God. This is true for every religion, however it relates to salvation only, not man’s ability to choose his own path. In the very first book of the Old Testament one can interpret the fact that we are created in God’s image, therefore we posses God’s ability to be free (Genesis 1: 26, Jerusalem Bible). Staying with the Bible, in the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve, against God’s will ate the fruit of knowing good and evil. This in itself is a proof that humans can see what is right and wrong and therefore choose for themselves whether they want to be on one side or the other. â€Å"So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God† (Romans 14:12, Jerusalem Bible) tells people that everyone will have to, in his own heart and soul, give God the account of his own actions! On another note, the Qur’an is often wrongly interpreted as being based on determinism. This is false; if a life of a Muslim was determined for him/her at birth there would be no point in him/her trying to find out the nature of his sin, Allah would not have had to send prophets to teach his people the way, because all their actions would be already determined by them (Gorjian 2010). This suggests that, as far a religion goes people are free to do as they feel is right. This however does not justify the fact that governments take away this freedom from their citizens. Governments taking away freedom from their subjects can be traced back in history, and one the greatest examples for this would be the war of ideologies known as World War II. Political systems are based on ideas like fascism which helped Germans in their economic crisis, communism overthrew the Tzars in Russia which gave the proletariat all the influence they needed, while liberalism promised freedom. This all seems perfect, however, as it is all well known, there were flaws in each of those systems. Nazis under Hitler were only nice to a great portion of Germans as they were trying to create the master race. All others: Slavs, Roma, Jews were hated and discriminated against. In occupied Poland Nazis closed schools, denied access to education, confiscated automobiles, (Cosby 2010) houses, land and riches. The Only secondary education available was trade school which trained youth for a specific job denying them the opportunity to express themselves in different fields. They took away people’s freedom putting them in concentration camps and Ghettos; death camps like Auschwitz detained not necessarily Jews but also Poles, Czechs, Gypsies and even Germans (Biega 1996). For the sake of creating the master race they were determined to kill and enslave, even their own people which meant that one could not choose his affiliation freely, he was either with or against Hitler. In Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution aristocrats were condemned to death. In democratic, liberal countries the process of taking away free will is different. But sticking with the systems; theory of taking away human rights, one has to talk about people operating the machine of terror. Behind every tyranny there is a tyrant including Hitler and Stalin who are probably the most reviled dictators with a very bad reputation. Out of all the evildoers in the world, they were the most remembered for imposing their will on hundreds and thousands of people leaving a stain that makes saying their name in public an awkward thing. Their acts are known to all who knows the history of the 20th century. Their actions caused a lot of distress, killing and exploiting people, imprisoning innocents and denouncing everybody simple rights, no matter if he was a friends or foes. Nobody was allowed to publically speak their minds, people could be killed for any simple reason. Both of them used concentration and death camps where people would be stripped of their freedoms and their rights did not exist and their bodies were exploited for hard labour or experiments. In these countries dictators were the law. Now if one looks at a country like North Korea with Kim Il Sung, the previous leader of the nation, he denied people rights of information, freedom of press or freedom of speech. He ordered the whole nation to be brainwashed to believe he was god. Aside from being an attack on one’s free will it was an attack on one’s understanding of the world. When the supreme leader died, people fell into chaos as they did not know what will happen the next day, if there was a next day. Kim Il Sung took away not only their freedom, but also their whole world. These are things that would be unthinkable in a democratic society. In democratic states laws are a fundamental part of the society. People are afraid of anarchy more than they are scared to lose their rights even though these laws are just written statements of already known moral facts. It is logical that killing someone is immoral, stealing is wrong; all sorts of sexual act are cruel for the victim. Laws are supposed to protect people and make sure that others are shielded from the evildoers who break the law. There is a difference though between punishing someone for what he has done and changing the laws to suit someone’s personal goal. Looking at the terrorist attacks on September 11 2001. The aftermath of this horrible event sparked even more terrible actions taken by the lawmakers. The Patriot Act was something that unjustifiably took away peoples’ rights to act free not for something that they have done but rather something they might, maybe, probably be doing. The Patriot Act targeted many innocent people who were under suspicion of being terrorists not because they took part in terrorist training, but rather because they were of a certain skin colour or race. An initiative was put together by editorial cartoonists to present the very hurtful truth of how freedom was taken away through laws. Thus, for example Lalo Alcaraz created a cartoon that presents President Bush saying that liberty is secured while on another panel the Statue of Liberty is seen in prisoner outfit handcuffed and presented like detainees from Guantanamo Bay, commentary is unnecessary for this one. Another work by Clay Bennett demonstrates workers using materials from house labelled privacy to build a fence around this house which was labelled security. What the author was trying to present is the scandal with phone calls being listened to in order to prevent another attack while trying to listen for any terrorist activity (USA Patriot Art Show). The types of activities presented in the previous argument are shunned upon by many people because they invade their privacy and freedom. On the other hand laws and regulations with the word ‘freedom’ in them are very highly thought of by citizens since they are an assurance of their freedom and ability to express it. Laws, such as the freedom of speech, freedom of information, and freedom of religious expression or sexual expression, are important, they work as a manifestation of country’s liberty. How is it than that many of these laws, even though they say freedom, do not really give people the right to exercise these rights freely? That is because they contradict with many other rights granted by the government. And so one has the freedom of speech yet he cannot say racist things or anti-homosexual slurs as it violates the anti hate speech law. This is a very big and unsubordinated flaw on the part of the governments if they are able to pass two contradicting laws. If they do that hen freedom of speech is not so free anymore and takes away one’s ability to say whatever he wants, no matter how offensive or inappropriate it is. However, as much as we can see governments and religions as factors that manipulate or free will, society can be considered one of the biggest factors too. Society, the people we interact with, live by, and see everyday, those are the ones that constraint your choices and free will. Society even though it is not shown clearly, it still forces the individual to forget about making free choices that will deviate him/her from the norm. destructive attitudes such as racial prejudice, attitudes can lead our thoughts and actions. Social influences can affect human behaviour by changing our attitudes. So, actions like what i just mentioned affect our choices, and limits the options we have to choose from in life. Society can limit the ways you think, behave, choose, act, and develop, which makes it the perfect tool to completely strip away someones freedom without showing that its forcing this freedom to be taken away, basically, how society works is it makes us think we are free willed, but we are not free to choose what we want to do. There was enough said in this essay, maybe even too much. There were a lot of thoughts meant to be conveyed and views to be shared. There is only hope that one might understand the fact that governments don’t have to be evil fascist dictatorships or communist oppressors to control its citizens. Even though we may feel like we have complete control over our free will, there are external forces that impact the way we make our choices and the the paths we choose. Societies, religions, and governments are the major part of these external forces that manipulate our choices and our free will, so in the end, this idea of complete free will might be an illusion since humans are controlled by and external force whether it be government, religion or the society and individual lives in. â€Å"Because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation† (2 Thessalonians 2:13, New Revised Standard Version) In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:11, Jerusalem Bible) In the very first book of the Old Testament one can interpret the fact that we are created in God’s image, therefore we posses God’s ability to be free (Genesis 1: 26, Jerusalem Bible) â€Å"So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God† (Romans 14:12, Jerusalem Bible).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Balance Of Payment And Exchange Rate In Egypt Economics Essay

Balance Of Payment And Exchange Rate In Egypt Economics Essay Is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Thereby, Egypt is a transcontinental country, and is considered to be a major power in North Africa, Mediterranean Region, African continent, Nile Basin, Islamic World and the Red Sea. Covering an area of about 1,010,000  square kilometers (390,000  sq  mi), Egypt is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west. Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the worlds most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramid complex and its Great Sphinx. The southern city of Luxor contains many ancient artifacts, such as the Karnack Temple and the Valley of the Kings. Egypt is widely regarded as an important political and cultural nation of the Middle East. Part 1 Balance of payment and Exchange Rate in Egypt: Balance of payments transactions are usually tabulated under two broad categories, current account and capital account. Current account includes visible (merchandise) trade as well as invisible items, such as tourism, shipping, and profits and other moneys earned overseas. Here is the results of studying an annual report for balance of payment and exchange rate in Egypt : The Year Balance of Payment (BOP) Exchange Rate The Comment 2005 5.5 billion 1$ = Selling price:1$ =5.77 Egyptian pound Purchasing price:1$=5.23 Egyptian pound Thats mean that the export rate will be greater than the import rate. So, the income of Egypt in this year is in good situation and it was the best situation in the last 5 years 2006 2.7 billion 1$ = Selling price:1$ =4.34 Egyptian pound Purchasing price:1$=5.99 Egyptian pound Thats mean that the export rate less than the import rate. So, the income of Egypt in this year is decrease and it was the worst situation in the last 5 years. 2007 3.1 billion 1$ = Selling price:1$ =4.76 Egyptian pound Purchasing price:1$= 5.00 Egyptian pound Thats mean that the export rate more than the import rate. So, the income of Egypt in this year is start increase again 2008 4.1 billion 1$ = Selling price:1$ =5.3 Egyptian pound Purchasing price:1$= 4.33 Egyptian pound Thats mean that the export rate more than the import rate. So, the income of Egypt in this year is still increasing 2009 5.38 billion Selling price:1$ =5.5 Egyptian pound Purchasing price:1$=5.23 Egyptian pound Thats mean that the export rate will be greater than the import rate. So, the income of Egypt in this year is increased Part 2: Economic reform in Egypt In The Political Economy of Reform in Egypt: Understanding the Role of Institutions, Carnegie Middle East Centers Sufyan Alissa finds that economic reform, considered a priority by the Egyptian government, has not been fully effective for three reasons: it lacks public support, Egypt has failed to foster a competitive business environment, and the lack of dynamic and transparent institutions.   Alissa argues that Egypt lacks the institutional capacity to implement better-coordinated reform programs that address its socioeconomic realities, including widespread poverty and unemployment, high inflation, and a soaring public debt. Reform is needed to improve the efficiency of Egypts bureaucracy, increase the accountability and transparency of politicians, and widen political participation for Egyptian citizens. Key Findings: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Egypt has failed to create a healthy and competitive environment for business development. Despite the passage of many laws to organize the business environment, the government has not developed an effective enforcement process for these new laws, and little progress has been made in the fight against corruption. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Economic reform lacks popular support in Egypt as reforms are perceived to cause more harm than good as previous reforms have consistently failed to address socioeconomic problems. Furthermore, future reforms are predicted to increase the gap between the Egyptian rich and poor before the masses can feel the positive effects. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  The majority of the private sector and civil society is excluded from the debate over Egypts economic reform strategy. Public participation is crucial for advancing civil society institutions and promoting an effective role in designing and implementing comprehensive economic reform. Given the nature of the Egyptian state and the main actors in the market and civil society, developing the necessary institutions and, most important, making them function properly within a short period of time seems unrealistic. Hence, Egypt should make the choice: Either start developing these institutions soon or lag behind. Building these institutions is the responsibility not only of the Egyptian state but also of the private sector and civil society, contends Alissa. Part 3: Monetary Policy in Egypt: Egypts Monetary Policy Objective: Law No. 88 of 2003 of the Central Bank, Banking Sector and Monetary System entrusts the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) with the formulation and implementation of monetary policy, with price stability being the primary and overriding objective. The CBE is committed to achieving, over the medium term, low rates of inflation which it believes are essential for maintaining confidence and for sustaining high rates of investment and economic growth. The Governments commitment to fiscal discipline is important to achieve this objective. Fiscal Policy in Egypt: Fiscal policy is the use of Egyptian government spending and taxation to influence the economy. When Egyptian government decides on the goods and services it purchases, the transfer payments it distributes, or the taxes it collects, it is engaging in fiscal policy. The primary Egyptian economic impact of any change in the government budget is felt by particular groups-a tax cut for families with children, for example, raises their disposable income. Discussions of fiscal policy, however, generally focus on the effect of changes in the government budget on the overall economy. Although changes in taxes or spending that are revenue neutral may be construed as fiscal policy-and may affect the aggregate level of output by changing the incentives that firms or individuals face-the term fiscal policy is usually used to describe the effect on the aggregate economy of the overall levels of spending and taxation, and more particularly, the gap between them. Conclusion: Egyptian economy is one of the most attractive economies in the world that is because it faced mane ups and downs, also the large number of population in Egypt affects the economy in a very observing way. Thats why the economics ministry in Egypt must take care for its behavior.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Basic Strategies Used To Respond To Uncertainty Management Essay

Basic Strategies Used To Respond To Uncertainty Management Essay Nestle is the worlds leading nutrition, health, wellness company. The headquarter of Nestle company is located in Vevey, Switzerland. That is in 1866, there was a first European condensed milk factory opened in Cham, Switzerland. The name of the company is Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company which established by brothers George Page and Chatles Page. After that year, the founder of Nestlà ©, Henri Nestle, a German pharmacist, developed a combination of cows milk, wheat flour and sugar, which name as Farine Lactee. The launched of Farine Lactee had become the largest competitor of Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. In 1905, Nestlà © merged with Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company after a couple of decades as fierce competitors to form the Nestlà © and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. In 1929, the chocolate company Peter, Cailler , Kohler Chocolats Suisses S.A. joined Nestlà ©. And in 1947, Nestlà © change its name to Nestlà © Alimentana S.A after merged with Maggi, a well-known manufacturer of seasonings and soups. In 1974, Nestlà © for the first time diversified outside the food industry and they become a major shareholder in LOreal, one of the worlds leading maker of cosmetic products. And then finally, the last name change that the company would endure was in 1977, where it adopted the name Nestlà © S.A. The first product that launched by Nestlà © is Farine Lactee Nestlà ©, a combination of cows milk, wheat flour and sugar. Farine Lactee was launched by Henri Nestle in 1867 and it was supported by the public. After that, Nestlà © also launched Milo in 1934. Milo is a chocolate and malt powder which is mixed with hot or cold water to produce a beverage and it is developed by Thomas Mayne in Sdyney, Australia. After the launched of Milo, another product launched by Nestlà © that famous among the world which is Nescafe. Nescafe is a powdered coffee that was introduced in Switzerland on April 1, 1938 after being developed for seven or eight years by Max Morgenthaler and Vernon Chapman. Another product that pull Nestlà © toward success is Nestlà © Pure Life, a bottled mineral water that launched in 1998. The smart strategy of Nestlà © had bring them toward the road of success. In 2012, Nestlà © has around 8,000 brands on the market included coffee, bottled water, milkshakes and other beverages, breakfast cereals, infant foods, performance and healthcare nutrition, seasonings, soups and sauces, frozen and refrigerated foods, and pet food. Organizational chart Planning and Strategic Management Basic strategies used to respond to uncertainty Nestlà © is a company that mainly act as a prospector while responding to uncertainty. Prospectors focus on developing new products or services and in seeking out new markets, rather than waiting for things to happen. Nestlà © had create many brands and many different types of products to satisfy consumers needs and wants. The table below showed the list of product of Nestlà ©. Types of Products Brand Baby foods Cerelac, Gerber, Gerber Graduates, NaturNes, Nestum Bottled water Nestlà © Pure Life, Perrier, Poland Spring, S.Pellegrino Cereals Chocapic, Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Estrelitas, Fitness, Nesquik Cereal Chocolate confectionery Aero, Butterfinger, Cailler, Crunch, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka Coffee Nescafà ©, Nescafà © 3 in 1, Nescafà © Cappuccino, Nescafà © Classic, Nescafà © Decaff, Nescafà © Dolce Gusto, Nescafà © Gold, Nespresso Culinary, chilled and frozen food Buitoni, Herta, Hot Pockets, Lean Cuisine, Maggi, Stouffers, Thomy Dairy Carnation, Coffee-Mate, La Laitià ¨re, Nido Drinks Juicy Juice, Milo, Nesquik, Nestea Food service Chef, Chef-Mate, Maggi, Milo, Minors, Nescafà ©, Nestea, Sjora, Lean Cuisine, Stouffers Healthcare nutrition Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen, Resource Ice cream Dreyers, Extrà ªme, Hà ¤agen-Dazs, Mà ¶venpick, Nestlà © Ice Cream Petcare Alpo, Bakers Complete, Beneful, Cat Chow, Chef Michaels Canine Creations, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, Purina, Purina ONE, Pro Plan Sports Nutrition PowerBar Weight management Jenny Craig In the effort of seeking out new markets, Nestlà © had employed around 330 000 people in over 150 countries and have 461 factories or operations in 83 countries. Nestlà © also becomes one of the sponsors in many events. For example, on 27 January 2012, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) announced that Nestlà © will be the main sponsor for the further development of IAAFs Kids Athletics Program for the consecutive of 5 years starting from January 2012. This is one of the biggest grassroots development programs in the world of sports. In the year 2012, Nestlà © expect that it will be a challenging year as they will face many uncertainties in the global economy and. However, as a prospector, the company had made specific plans to overcome the uncertainties. They believe that they have good fundamentals and will be able to diversify the global uncertainties. Nestlà © aim to continue the innovation and renovation of their products as long as launching further promotion of nutritional diets and healthy lifestyles Nestlà © will remain vigilant and will take all necessary method to soften any impact on their business due to the volatile commodity prices that were expected to continue in 2012. Besides that, Nestlà © Company can also be considering as an analyzer. Analyzers let other organizations take the risks of product development and marketing and then imitate or perhaps slightly improve on what seems to work best. For example, Nestlà © was Gail Bordens most successful imitators in the production of milk. Nestlà © imitate and make changes based on the condensed milk manufactured by Bordens first canned milk factory. Nestlà © invented a powdered milk food that primarily composed of cows milk and then mixed with water. By 1868, this product was being sold in Switzerland, Germany, France and England. After five year, the product was available throughout Europe. Eventually, Pet Milk and Carnation Milk were produced and sold in United States. In the 21th century, humans wants are unlimited. Therefore, Nestlà © create new brands on the products that already exist in the market and are needed for the consumers to widen their choice. Mission and Vision Nestlà ©s mission is to provide consumers with safe and convenient high quality food products so that people can live a better life. They are friendly, caring and efficient organization and they believe that research can help them make better food so that they can provide selections for all individual taste and lifestyle preferences. We should responsible we role, that means we need to responsive to the social, environmental, economic and cultural aspirations of people anytime, whilst ensuring our shareholders a reasonable return on their investment. Our staff can succeed job satisfaction, self-development and their reasonable targets because Nestlà © are seen as a perfect place of employment with good working conditions and benefits, with an internal environment. Nestlà ©s vision is to providing customers with high quality products and services with added value at competitive prices, simultaneously ensuring the long term viability and profitability of the organization. We have to continue to struggle to get the recognition and satisfy the trust our customers and business partners place in us. Our ambition As the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company we enhance lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at any time of the day, helping consumers care for themselves and their families. This is the foundation of our promise of Good Food, Good Life and puts nutrition at the heart of everything we do.It is our firm belief that, for a company to be successful over time and create value for its shareholders, it must also create value for society. We call this Creating Shared Value. Built on strong foundations of compliance and sustainable business practices, this is our way to do business and to be the trusted leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness. SWOT analysis Grand Strategy Grand strategy is a systematic, comprehensive, long-term plan of all the company use to achieve their goals. Market, product, and organization development is the main element of this strategy. There are three types of strategy such as Growth strategies, Stability Strategy and Defensive Strategy. Growth strategy involves the expansion of a company. Stability strategy is a strategy there are no-change strategy or little change strategy. Defensive strategy is a control to reduce the probability of loss. Nestlà © is a company that apply growth strategy. Nestlà © started the business in the year of 1866 with a first European condensed milk factory and today becomes the worlds biggest food producer. The product of Nestlà © such as Milk, Beverages, Coffee, Ice-cream, Confectionery Chocolate, Junior Food and other, has make a sales of CHF 44.1 billion in 2012 from 74,660 million at 1999. There net profit increase from 8% to 9.5billion Swiss francs ($10.35 billion) that show at9 August 2012. In 2003,Nestlà © got around 328,000 people that are Nestlà ©s staff in 70 countries and have many operations or factories in the world compare to the old figure of employee in 1998 299,800 people. Besides that, Nestlà © is increasing the size of their company year by year. One of the strategies is give different promotion on day. They give a discount for customer by using coupons. For example, Nestlà © Toll House Birthday Sugar Cookies can save 55$ if we print out the coupons to buy. In addition, Nestlà © also provide the samples food for customer in a promotion time, for instance, Maggi MeeGorengget the FREE Samples of the Delicious in 2nd  July 2012 to 2nd  August 2012. These was the successful strategy of Nestlà © in now a day. Nestlà © begin the business at 1866 with the combination of cows milk, wheat flour and sugar. After 1 year, infant cereal developed for a whole new world to babies. Next, the launch of Milo, Nescafe, Nestea, Nestlà © Pure Life, and Power Bar are launches at the years after 1929. Although these are many product launches, they merger with another company as an example Maggi and Ursina-Franck. Nestlà © did the high risky of investment in the follow year such as joint venture with LOreal, General Mills, Coca-Cola and Fonterra. In conclusion, Nestlà © was trying their best at the sales of product. It has a smart plan for the uncertainly. Growth strategy will give the increasing of cash, bank payment and other to the Nestlà © company and Nestlà © will improve in new product or new market in the future. Competitive Strategies Nestlà © mainly focused on differentiation strategy. Nestlà © is a quality focused company. They differentiate their products with their competitors by giving them better customer satisfaction and quality with in an acceptable price limit. All their market is based on quality products and customer satisfaction. The main factor that motivates a customer is to buy their goods is the nutritional content in their products. They also focused on creating a strong brand by creating brand equity. For have a better quality on their products, Nestlà © had created Nestlà © Nutrition, which is a global business organization designed to strengthen the focus on their core nutrition business. They believe that strengthening their leadership in this market is the key element of their corporate strategy. In order to reinforce their competitive advantage in this area, Nestlà © created Nestlà © Nutrition as an autonomous global business unit within the organization, and charged it with the operational and profit and loss responsibility for the claim-based business of Infant Nutrition, HealthCare Nutrition, and Performance Nutrition. This unit aims to deliver superior business performance by offering consumers trusted, science based nutrition products and services. In order to produce a better quality product, Nestlà © had made an effort on research and development. Research and development is a key of competitive advantage for Nestlà ©. Without research and development, Nestlà © could not have become the leader in food and beverage industries. With 29 research, development and technology facilities worldwide, Nestlà © has the largest research and development network of any food company. Based on the research and development done by Nestlà ©, they are able to produce many products that have a high quality in nutrition, wellness, taste, health, texture or convenience. Besides that, Nestlà © also use cost-leadership strategy for minor products. Nestlà © had used a new strategy called Nestlà ©s Popularly Positioned Products (PPPs) strategy that provide consumers with high-quality, nutritious products, regardless of where they sell them and the price point at which they sell them. PPPs focuses on the specific needs of 3 billion lower-income consumers worldwide. PPPs offer these consumers the opportunity to consume high-quality food products that provide nutritional value at an affordable cost and appropriate format. With a range of locally adapted distribution methods, including street markets, mobile street vendors and door to door distributors, PPPs are a source of income for street traders and individual distributors and contribute to the creation of local jobs. Recommendation Utilizing the identified strengths and opportunities Overcome the identified strengths and opportunities Conclusion Overall achievement Firstly, on 21 May 2012, Nestlà © was in the rank of No. 18 in The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25. The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 is about leadership. Nestlà © has created a successful supply chain segment for its popular Nespresso line. Nestlà © is also highly advanced and integrated in its raw material sourcing strategies, and has invested significantly in supply development and innovation. Moreover, on 12 April 2012, Nestlà © becomes the first food and beverage company that receives A+ rating, which is the highest standard in Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for Creating Shared Value report. This shows that Nestlà © do take seriously their responsibility to create shared value and conduct their business in a sustainable way. Next, Nestlà © won the ACCA Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Award 2011. This was because Nestlà © use Sustainability Reporting to communicate to stakeholders regarding the progress of their Creating Shared Value strategy, which is to create value simultaneously for society and their shareholders while carrying out our business activities. On 19 May 2011, Nestlà © receives top environment award which is the 27th World Environment Center (WEC) Gold Medal award for its commitment to environmental sustainability. This shows that Nestlà © was recognized as a global company that has demonstrated an example of sustainability in business practice. Furthermore, on 7 June 2011, Nestlà © became winner of the Stockholm Industry Water Award for its leadership and performance to improve water management in its internal operations and throughout its supply chain. Nestle also has a leading role in the 2030 Water Resources Group. In July 2010, Nestlà © Malaysia was crowned as a winner of the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2010 (AREA). This awards show that Nestlà © was recognized as an organization that have shown a lot of efforts, perseverance and courage in corporate social responsibility initiatives. Besides that, a Global Food Industry Award was given to Nestlà © by The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) .in 2010. Nestlà ©s dedication to food science and technology has been acknowledged by the IUFoST as long as Nestlà ©s efforts to advance global food science and technology for the benefit of everyone had been recognized by them. Last but not least, Nestlà © won the StarBiz-ICR Malaysia CR Awards in the year 2009. Nestlà © was one of the seven public-listed companies which were recognized and honoured for their outstanding Corporate Responsibility practices at the StarBiz-ICR Malaysia CR Awards 2009 presentation ceremony.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Life was drastically changed during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a period of time where machinery was used for manufacturing massive production of goods that began in England in the middle 1700s. This revolution was significant because machinery now changed the way nations produced and distributed goods; therefore, it increased the availability and affordability of goods for all people. To understand the Industrialization Revolution, it is necessary to take a closer look at the Pre-Industrialization. During the Pre-Industrialization, most people belonged to either high or low-class not middle class, and many were farmers who lived in the countryside. Also, goods were made by hand thus the products were not readily affordable or available. However, agricultural revolution, population growth, natural resources, factors of production,inventions and transportation all contributed to the growth of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution resulted in positive and negative changes that paved the way for the working condition and wages, living condition and reform of social class. As a result of enclosure movement, many farmers moved into cities and became factory workers. During the agricultural revolution, wealthy landowners bought land that was formerly worked by village farmers and forced the farmers to give up farming and move into cities. These farmers faced many difficulties during their first year living in the city since jobs were hard to find. Factory owners hired them because they knew that they could pay low wages or reduce them if workers were late or their business was bad and fine or threaten to fire them if they were not paying attention to their work at all times (Doc A). This exam... ... included doctors, lawyers, workers, and merchants who arose as a result of industrialization. This example reinforces the idea that wealth could be earned during the industrialization. As the social class reformed the middle class also earned a comfortable living conditions while it would take a longer time for the working class to catch up. It is essential to recognize the problems that followed industrialization, but the long-term positive effects are more important because the revolution created massive production of goods, jobs for workers, and most importance is the reform of social class where workers’ lives gradually improved. The facts clearly shows that the reform of social class outweigh the low wages, harsh working and living conditions, short lifespan. The Industrial Revolution left the lasting impression of economic successes and social structure.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Genetic Engineering Essay -- Genetics Science Food Agriculture Essays

Genetic Engineering When we envision our future, we usually imagine a future free of disease and physical sickness, but have you ever wondered how a disease-free society will be accomplished? In the twenty-first century our world will be a very different place because of genetic manipulation and engineering. There are many pros and cons to this debate, but it is undeniable that the effects from the new revelations in the field of genetics are far-reaching and deep impacting. Genetic engineering is a radical new technology, one that breaks down fundamental barriers, not only between species, but also between humans, animals, and plants. By combining the genes of dissimilar and unrelated species, permanently altering their genetic codes, novel organisms are created that will pass the genetic changes onto their offspring through heredity. Scientists are now snipping, inserting, recombining, rearranging, editing, and programming genetic material. Animal genes and even human genes are being inserted into plants or animals creating unimagined transgenic life forms. For the first time in history, human beings are becoming the architects of life. Bio-engineers will be creating tens of thousands of novel organisms over the next few years. The prospect is frightening. First we must see that genetic engineering offers many potential benefits to the twenty-first century in the two fields of agriculture and medicine. In agriculture, we can now grow plants and animals faster, stronger, and easier. We can alter plants to have them grow ten times larger than their original size, and we can create animals without parents by cloning (Scott). In medicine, genetic engineering has revolutionized the field into something completely new. We now produce cures that are specifically tailored to diseases, which have lengthened the average life span by almost ten years, detect and eliminate birth defects in babies, and have people that are healthier now than at any time in history (Epstein). But with that almost unlimited power, there is a high price for the twenty-first century to pay. With each bonus we as a society receive from genetics, we also created genetically altered super-diseases. Genes from bacteria, viruses, and insects, which have never been part of the human diet, are being spliced into our food. Genetic engineering is not an exact science. Scientists can... .... They want to charge for products, and a high market share. I feel there are fundamental flaws with the genetic engineering approach, and am highly skeptical of those who would be driving its direction. I affirm our rights as individuals and as a community to make a choice about the direction we take, for if we do not have that, then why put up with all the messy aspects of having free will? So, as we approach the twenty-first century, we go into the realm of the unknown. However, it is assuredly a future that will be blessed and cursed with genetic engineering, and one that will look back at the nineteenth century and remember the development that influenced it the most as genetic engineering. Bibliography: Works Cited Epstein, Dr. Ron. "Why You Should Be Concerned About Genetically Engineered Food." 2 Nov. 1999. Hawaleshka, Danylo. "Unnatural Selection." Maclean's 20 Jan. 1997. 20 Oct. 1999. "Health, Environmental, and Ethical Concerns of Genetically Engineered Foods." 11 July 1999. 26 Oct. 1999. Scott, Mary. "Food Focus: Genetically Engineered Foods - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions." Natural Foods Merchandises Nov.1997. 26 Oct. 1999 .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Discuss the relationship between accountability, risk management and user-centered care

For the purpose of this TMA, I intend to look at how the use of risk management may assist and hinder practitioners accountability within the community mental health team I work in, to explore how risk management assists and hinders the relationship between social workers, employers and service users. Within the CMHT risk management is based upon guidance in Clinical Governance which states â€Å"Anticipate and prevent potential problems to learn from critical incidents and complaints and to provide systems to help clinical staff to reflect and develop their practice.† (RCN, 1998 Book 1, Chapter 9, p.3). Risk assessments within the team are seen as positive tools that enable good communication between the social worker and patient. The assessment provides a basis from which a plan can be formulated to protect the patient from risk but also to extend the barriers of risk in a planned way, enabling the patient to explore and develop new coping strategies empowering them to cope with their mental illness. In these situations there is a balance to be drawn between patient's safety and autonomy. There is however another side to the risk management processes in that practitioner's feel â€Å"You've got to watch your step and cover your back! Document everything! Make sure you follow the guidelines and you keep the patient's safe! That's the bottom line – you've got to be safe. (L.Finlay, personal communication, 12 March 1999 Book 1, Chapter 9, p.187). It is this fear of punitive action that dissuades practitioners from exposing service users to avoidable risks, and risk assessments are viewed as documents providing good evidence of assessments to be accessed if ever there were questions about the care of the patient. The British Association of Social Workers gives guidelines for social workers accountability. For the purpose of this TMA accountability can be defined as â€Å"to be in a position to give an explanation for one's actions – with reasons and justifications.†

Violence in the Workplace Essay

Workplace violence includes threatening behaviors, verbal abuse and physical assault. In any given week about 20 workers are murdered in the United States (Bruce& Nowlin, 2011). This can include the harming of an employee or client/customer of an organization by another employee, client/customer, or member of the general public. Many internal and external factors, including socioeconomic conditions, problems related to drug and alcohol abuse, layoffs, dictatorial workplaces, stress over job security, and domestic problems, are leading causes of workplace violence. Organizations have to deal with human productivity and economic costs from incidents of workplace violence. For example, employees and customers or clients can be seriously injured or killed. In addition, a loss of productivity generally occurs during the incident because the business may be closed or on reduced hours pending investigation and employees may fear that another incident could occur within days or months. Some employees also may quit as a result of fear of another incident or dissatisfaction with the employer for failing to prevent or properly respond to the incident. Physical injuries or emotional difficulties that result from the violent incident may cause increases in workers’ compensation claims. Organizations with policies on workplace violence are more likely to implement practices that can reduce the potential for workplace violence. The managers in these organizations indicated that counseling for potentially violent employees, investigating unfairness in the workplace, disciplining/arresting people responsible for violent acts, mandating fair treatment for terminated employees, using mediation to resolve disputes that have the potential for becoming violent, and intervening in problems between employees were part of their workplace violence policies. These elements are further evidence that organizations that initiate formal policies for workplace violence are more likely to consider ways to be proactive, rather than reactive. Organizations must take steps to ensure that employees feel safe and secure. While organizations are unable to anticipate all situations, basic preventive measures can deter some violence in the workplace. While every employee with the potential for workplace violence cannot be pre-identified at the point of hire, organizations should have a variety of pre-employment assessments in place to ensure selection of individuals whose credentials, work experience, personality, and life experiences appropriately correspond to organizational needs and values. At the pre-incident strategy stage, the organization should create a zero tolerance policy. The organization should document all forms of aggression that have occurred against people and property associated with their organization. Employees should be encouraged to report incidents of which they are aware. Furthermore, for a second strategy, pre-employment screening should include psychological testing, background checks to validate an applicant’s resume, reference checking, employment history verification, or even integrity interviewing. Training should include interpersonal communication, conflict resolution techniques and hostage survival skills to ensure that employees are prepared for any violence that should occur in the workplace.

Friday, August 16, 2019

In Pride and Prejudice, who is to be blamed for Lydia’s behaviour? Essay

In ‘Pride and Prejudice’, there are a number of people who can be blamed for Lydia’s behaviour. Lydia develops into a selfish, egocentric, thoughtless and superficial girl through the influence of others and a lack of discipline and boundaries. Primarily, Mrs. Bennet is to blame. Lydia and her mother are ‘two of a kind’ – silly, vain, snobbish, pretentious and flirtatious. Mrs. Bennet has indulged and cosseted Lydia and favours her above her sisters. Instead of preventing Lydia from making an embarrassment of herself and disgracing the family by flirting with the officers when she is too young to socialise, Mrs. Bennet encourages her behaviour in the hope of getting at least daughter married off. Both Mrs. Bennet and Lydia seem to have a fondness of men in uniform, and are unfortunately crude enough to show it. In fact, Mrs Bennet says, † I do remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well – and indeed so I do still at my heart. â€Å" From this we can see that Lydia has inherited her foolishness from her mother. Mrs. Bennet is a social climber and very interested in marrying well, but upon hearing of Lydia’s elopement with the discreditable Mr. Wickham, instead of being angry is excited, and thinks only of the wedding clothes. Yet if her daughters Elizabeth or Jane had eloped and were marrying a man with little money and many debts, Mrs. Bennet may not have been so thrilled. Mr. Bennet also has a reasonable input into Lydia’s behaviour, but in a totally different way from his wife. Lydia’s father isolates himself in his library, burying himself behind books and a wall of sarcasm, allowing his wife to take responsibility for his daughters’ upbringings, with the knowledge that she wasn’t fully capable of doing it satisfactorily. When Lizzy warns him against letting Lydia go to Brighton, Mr. Bennet does not take heed, and allows Lydia to go anyway. This is because he thinks that Lydia may be brought back down to earth and shown that she is not so important in Brighton, and that she would be in the safe hands of Colonel Forster’s wife. Mr. Bennet also knows that if he did not, then Lydia would emotionally blackmail him by nagging and crying, as would his wife until he granted permission. Instead of disallowing her, Mr. Bennet is weak and gives in, as he thinks it will be easier for him. Little does he know that Lydia will elope with an officer and disgrace the whole family. However, at the end of the book, he realises his mistakes, and blames himself for Lydia’s behaviour. He says: â€Å"You may well warn me against such an evil. Human nature is so prone to fall into it! No, Lizzy, let me once in my life feel how much I have been to blame. I am not afraid of being overpowered by the impression.† Another person partly to blame is Mr. Wickham. It is not entirely Lydia’s fault that she cannot resist his charms, as after all, he deceived her older and far wiser sister too. However, his intentions were not honourable and he did not seem to have any intention of marrying Lydia. Had Mr. Darcy not intervened and bribed Wickham, Lydia could possibly have gone home disgraced, with no possibility of marriage in the future. In addition, Elizabeth herself might feel partly, if not wholly to blame for Lydia’s behaviour; she knew what Wickham was capable of, having heard Darcy’s account about his past behaviour. She could see what Lydia was doing and could have potentially prevented her sister from being subjected to scandalous gossip and also stopped Lydia from making a fool of herself by letting people know what Mr. Wickham was like. In considering the role that various characters have to play in Lydia’s behaviour, we tend to forget that everyone has a responsibility for themselves, and their actions, including Lydia. After all, she has older sisters who turn out to be respectable young women who have happy, loving marriages to wealthy men. Maybe Lydia has more input into her own behaviour than we should ignore.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lld Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern: During this semester our class had to write three major essays, which are: Rhetorical Analysis (RA), Discipline Investigation (DI), and Critical Reading Reflection (CRR). The Rhetorical Analysis paper is based on how â€Å"to develop your understanding of rhetoric by investigating how a writer constructed a professional document or text in your major field. † It is also â€Å"to practice analytical thinking and clear writing. Basically, I had to research a professional document that is in the field that I want to succeed in my future career.I had to analysis what the rhetorical strategies and appeals are and explain it. The Discipline Investigation paper is based on â€Å"to investigate a discourse community you hope to join and to learn about the kinds of text that community uses. † Before I started this paper, I researched about the job position I would be interested in the future and set up interviews with general managers from hotels. I aske d questions to get more outside knowledge and get to know how the job works personally.The Critical Reading Reflection is based on the book we read which is, The Mind at Work and personal experiences with work. My first best essay is the Discipline Investigation, then the second best is Rhetorical Analysis, then the third best is Critical Reading Reflection. My best essay out of the three is the Discipline Investigation. I started out researching for my career choice and then I interviewed a professional to get the inside scoop of the job and daily routines. As I was developing my paper, I thought the hardest part was not being so technical my ideas but to explain and describe the details.For example, writing about the daily routine part I had started writing periodically what he did each day instead of writing explanation of the skills and knowledge he used in his job. The resources I used to write this paper are book, Internet, and personal interview. I find it helpful to research in all the areas, so you can see the different kinds of information you get from each types of source. There were different ways how I improved on my Discipline Investigation essay from the Rhetorical Analysis essay.First, I would read my paper out loud to see if I have any grammatical errors. Second, I would have friends and classmates peer-edit my paper to see if it is grammatically correct, clear and simple organizations, and make sure all my ideas and requirements are there. Third, I definitely paid more attention writing my paper more concisely since I had the idea of how my instructor was going to grade my essay. Fourth, before even starting on the paper I check to make sure I will address the prompt correctly in my essay.Fifth, I realized that free writing and jotting ideas down and creating an outline for brainstorming helps a lot in order to get the flow of writing consistently. In conclusion, I believe there are some improvements as a writer after taking LLD100A course. I learned to be more precise and focus more while I write my papers. My best paper was Discipline Investigation. Writing my best paper, I feel that I have benefited a lot from the methods of my writing improvements. As I take everything step-by-step I believe that I will process as a writer. Sincerely, xxxx

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Planning of support for individuals Essay

Assess potential issues which could arise from the involvement of several professionals in the planning of support for individuals Care plans are set out and designed to understand a service user’s needs, preference and choices. You must always discuss how they important for empowering them. If you constantly give a service user no choice in what they would like they will stop trying and become independent they will no longer feel they have any worth or value in the care home, and their self-awareness and self-esteem will decrease meaning their self-concept is at a low. They could feel marginalised and pushed out of option. When caring for someone you must make them feel empowered and capable of still doing things on their own otherwise they will give up. There is core principles and values that are also set out to advices cares on how a person should be treated, for example being treated as an individual, this means every person has the right be treat the way they would like to and the norm of how a person should be cared for, example with respect and their dignity maintained. Taking away a patient preference and choice does not treat them as an individual. This limits them from opportunities and chances, which is not what a health and social care professional should or would do. They would try to encourage a person, make sure they do not feel independent or even alone, allow them to make their own decisions on certain things they are entitled too. Ethnic issues could be of a certain religion or someone with ethnical background of rules that means they can’t eat meat, or no blood transfusions etc. Staff members must understand what other possible approaches such as meals or other treatment can be put in place, so the staff should speak to the patient about options. All staff and patients should respect their diverse way of living, in a care plan you would have to include that this person had these circumstances so that anyone who will care for them knows about it, and could make sure the person was treat correctly throughout his life in care. Making sure different religious rules and attitudes are followed extremely carefully so they are not disturbed or feel unwelcome in their own care home. Staff who will care for the patient should always be understood and the care plan always should state his religion and issues which may always occur. For example Pauline is 35 and is in need of dialysis. She is refusing treatment because she is scared of the treatment which she believes is invasive. She has been counselled about the nature of the treatment –Â  there are no alternatives that would be of practical benefit. She is competent to make treatment decisions. She understands that if she refuses she will die. She has a daughter of 15 years who lives at home. The clinician feels very strongly that she should receive treatment but despite numerous attempts to persuade her she refuses. Many issues can arise from that case study. Another issue occurring would be if for example a woman’s religion meant she could not be seen by a male doctor then her lifestyle choice should and would have to be respected and a female member of staff would have to treat her, in replace of the male. This is her individual preference and choice being respected and taken into consideration.