Monday, September 30, 2019

Review of Literature on Employ Satisfaction

Attention: Nadeem Yousaf Students:Noreen OrcineP12094955 Robert Ngu P11015920 Federico ColomboP12094924 Prakash Regmi P12094665 Sanjay Maharjan P12085525 Dewan Rahman P12094756 Philippe Colas P12094742 Course name: MSc. International Business and Management – 2013 Module name:Operations and Human Resource Management (Evening Class) Module Code:CORP 5041 Assignment: Group Critical Analysis Project Theme: Key factors of employee satisfaction and its impacts to company success.Word Count: 2917 words Articles Reviewed: The Impact of Age and Education on the Level of Satisfaction and Motivation Among Employees Employee satisfaction, intrapreneurship and firm growth: a model Job satisfaction and quality management: an empirical analysis Job Satisfaction in Public Sector and Private Sector and Private Sector: A Comparison The effects of commitment to corporate vision on employee satisfaction with their organization Implementing Quality Management Practices without Sacrificing Employe e SatisfactionThe relationship Between Pay satisfaction & Job Satisfaction Table of Contents 1. 0 Introduction3 2. 0 Stimuli of Employee Satisfactions and Impact3 2. 1 Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction4 2. 2 Pay Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction5 2. 3 Impacts of Age and Level of Education in Employee Satisfaction5 2. 4 Intrapreneurship and Firm Growth as a Factor of Job Satisfaction6 2. 5 Relationship between Quality Management and Job Satisfaction7 2. 6 Comparison of employee satisfaction between Public and Private Sectors8 . 0 Comparison, contradiction and Evaluation9 4. 0 Conclusion13 5. 0 References15 APPENDIX 119 1. 0 Introduction It is widely accepted that the employees’ job satisfaction is one of the most important elements of achieving success for an organization. In today’s organization, where company leadership is transforming from traditional styles to more collaborative style (Christensen, 2009), employee satisfaction is bei ng given due consideration based on the concept of happy people brings happy customers and growth (Blanchard, 2004).Though De Menezes (2012) found that the job satisfaction among employees have a clear and consistent connection to company's productivity, but Schein (1995) believes management has over time pondered on best practices that increases productivity and with numerous theories, espoused on the significance of people in organization, very few managers recognize employees as capital investment not as a cost to be controlled and minimized. In this paper many influencing factors of employee satisfaction will be analyzed combined with their affects to organizational success. . 0 Stimuli of Employee Satisfactions and Impact There are many factors that somehow intrinsically and extrinsically keep engagement in the process of employees’ job satisfaction. Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene theory identifies satisfiers or motivator factors as achievement, recognition, work it self, responsibility, advancement and growth, on the other hand, dissatisfiers or hygiene factors as company policy, supervision, working conditions, interpersonal relationship at work, salary and benefits, and job security (Gitman et al 2008).Moreover, according to Lavigna (2010) ; De Menezes (2012) factors such as commitment to corporate vision, leadership, work life balance, training and education, participatory management and employee empowerment strongly contribute to employee satisfaction. This literature will be investigating and analyzing the factors such as age, level of education, intrapreneurship, pay satisfaction, quality management, commitment to corporate vision and aspect of public and private sectors. 2. Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction The mission and vision statement of a company gives a sense of purpose, values, and behavioral standards; and increases employees’ focus on organizational strategy and direction (Slack et. al, 2010). While ascertaining employee satisfaction, companies need to show commitment by being effective, and show continuance commitment by encouraging workers to be attached emotionally to company’s values (Allen et al. , 1997).And to measure satisfaction in an organization, management commitment to achieving results motivates employees to perform better, according to Slack et al. (2010), henceforth commitment of organizations and employee satisfaction have a positive relationship with promise. There are two strong connections with employee satisfaction relating to employee rating of the company based on how committed it is to its philosophy of caring, sharing, trust and respect; and the ability of the company to compete with others. This was supported by Meglino et al. (1998) by stating that the relationship between effective communication, worker satisfaction and the level in which values and views of employees corresponds with each other creates an atmosphere of understandi ng a corporation that leads to improved performance and productivity among satisfied employees. 2. 2 Pay Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction Different people have different views on the source of their motivation to work. Here we find different contradictory results while one study suggests level of income increases the level of satisfaction and the other study finds no satisfactory correlations or different view of income’s importance.Some find job as a source of identity, but sometimes money actually is the commonly cited reason (Hulin, 2002 cited in Judge, et al. , 2010). Money cannot ensure the subjective well-being or happiness as finding shows that a lottery winner is no happier than before they won the lottery (Brickman, et al. , 1978 cited in Judge, et al. , (2010). Contradictorily, another report suggests that the richest Americans are happier than average ones (Cummins, 2000; Diener et al. , 1985 as cited in Judge et al. , 2010) and average Americans are happier than poor Americans.Overall it is assumed that, pay level is positively but not significantly correlated with both pay satisfaction and job satisfactions. 2. 3 Impacts of Age and Level of Education in Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction expresses the level of agreements between the expectations of a worker from his job and the reward that the job provides (Paul, 2012). Now, how does a factor like age affect the level of employee satisfaction? Kristin et al. (2004) cited in Paul (2012) found that the overall job satisfaction decreases after the age of 45;  perceptions of management fairness and problem resolution also decrease with age.It is generally believed that job satisfaction increases linearly with age (Clark et al, 1996). Paul (2012) discovered that age influences the level of motivation among employees, for instance, younger employees felt more motivated to extra work, while older employees were less eager to do so. Level of education is also one of the factors that can power th e way employee satisfaction is perceived. Paul (2012) stated that the level of motivation also varies with the educational qualification of the employees; for example, employees who have only matriculated were the most motivated about ork and taking extra work, on the other hand the most qualified employees of the organization were the most unwilling to take extra work, in comparison to the less educated ones. This finding is enriched by Metle (2001) and said that the job satisfaction declines with increasing levels of education. 2. 4 Intrapreneurship and Firm Growth as a Factor of Job Satisfaction Entrepreneurs within the organization are, in fact, the valuable assets in terms of company’s growth; and there is a direct relationship between intrapreneurship and job satisfaction in the context of productivity and growth, according to Antoncic et al. 2012), when key factors such as the level of employees general satisfaction with work, employee relationships, employee remunerat ions, benefits and organizational culture and employee loyalty are put to play together. An organization whose values and interest corresponds to that of employees needs, generally has a high employee satisfaction rate as reflected in the attraction selection attrition model (ASA); which states that, â€Å"people in an organization are unique in that they are the ones attracted to, chosen by, and who choose to remain with an organization† (Lievens et al. 1995).Employees of such caliber are a true competitive advantage of the company (Antoncic et al. , 2011). Intrapreneurs are considered to be entrepreneurs in an organization. It is the outcome of firms pursuing new opportunities through a gradual departure from the customary by encouraging employees to be innovative. To show how employee satisfaction result in growth, Shaw et al. (1998) as cited in Antoncic et al. (2011) examined practices where management instills the possibility of education and training, adequate pay, bene fits, encourage high level of motivation, and the willingness of employees to invest in their own knowledge and skills.This results to employee satisfactions that in turn increases performance, and contributes to company growth; therefore, job satisfaction and performance are strongly related as they both result to growth of the company (Antoncic et al. , 2011). 2. 5 Relationship between Quality Management and Job Satisfaction Employee satisfaction and quality management are thought to be correlated to some extent. Previous research studies on employee job satisfaction have ndeavored to find link between quality management and job satisfaction; for instance, Akdere (2009) cited in De Menezes (2012) found that customer satisfaction, which is the ultimate goal of quality management, is strongly associated with employee job satisfaction. Though number of research have been carried out in past to find this relationship yet there are mixed results. According to Guimareas (1996) cited in Mehra et al (2011), implementing a Total Quality Management program resulted in high job satisfaction, more job involvement, large organizational commitment and increased desire to stay in the firm.On the other hand, there are some other important aspects of quality management like cost reduction and increased productivity that can stress up employee and consequently might bring dissatisfaction to work. This argument was supported by Green (2006), Landsbergis et al. (1999) and Parker (2003) as cited in De Menezes (2012); and they said, â€Å"Performance gains may be achieved at the expense of employee well-being†. Moreover, Kivimaki et al (1997) cited in Mehra et al (2011) has also said that adopting Total Quality Management in an organization leads to decreased job satisfaction.Therefore, the total quality management of an organization can actually sometimes become the reason for not supporting employees to enjoy their work, however, Total Quality Management can be achieved in an organization without achieving complete employee satisfaction, for example, De Menezes (2012) found that there is no positive association between quality management and employee job satisfaction in many British workplaces in 2004.Total Quality Management is a management philosophy not a short term program or intervention skim that can be applied to organization across industries, cultures and nations but there should also be adjustment in Total Quality Management according to the structure of firms, strategy and environmental conditions to ensure that the employees are satisfied (Rungtusanatham et al, 2005 as cited in Mehra et al 2011). 2. 6 Comparison of employee satisfaction between Public and Private SectorsPublic and private sectors provide scopes in different ways, making it difficult to be pro or against the two very different administration forms. The Public sector is said to be more divided than organized due to the various sub divisions included in the operation of th e public sector and this division creates a problem in the long run; in contrast the Private Sector is also divided, yet it is divided into departments, which work closely with each other and have a coherent working structure (Kumari et al. 2011). Overall it can be said that while the the public sector has maintained the existing as well as the creation of new jobs throughout a recession, as the private sector significantly has significantly been cutting jobs since the dawn of the 2008 recession (Zuckerman, 2011). So, it can be understood that the Public sector jobs are generally more stable compared to the private sector, and this factor contributes to both positive and negative perceived job satisfaction in these two sectors.There are also different motivational reasons behind the employees’ choice of sector in which he or she wishes to work, and there are different expectations to be met by each sector in order to insure the employees’ ultimate job satisfaction. For example, Kumari et al. (2011) found that socio-economic and cultural structures of a country essentially lead citizen’s perception of job satisfaction in both public and private sectors. 3. 0 Comparison, contradiction and EvaluationMany studies previously done by several researchers found that the satisfaction among employees has clear and consistent connection to the company’s productivity and eventually the success of an organization largely depends on employee satisfaction (Hsu and Wang, 2008; Culbertson, 2009; and Korunka et al, 2003 as cited in De Menezes, 2012). In addition to that, Gregory (2011) has also identified that employee satisfaction is essential to the success of any business.For example, American budget airlines South-west Airlines, one of the most consistently successful airlines in the history of aviation, implies that employee satisfaction is one of the key components of its past, present, and future success (Cardy et al 2011). Although, many acad emics have found a correlation between employee satisfaction and organizational performance, there has been an opposition to this view and that has called for an extensive study, as employee satisfaction has little or no influence in the performance of an organization in certain industries.For example Ryanair, an European budget airlines, made financial gains without giving much attention to its employee; ‘‘the high employee turnover at Ryanair points to the dissatisfaction that the employees are experiencing and the common complaints of employees leaving Ryanair is the oppressive work environment and practices, low pay and the lack of training and development programs for employees’’ (Thinking Bookworm, 2012). This argument was appreciated by Mathieu et al (1990) as cited in Yee et al. (2008), where it was said that the employee satisfaction has little direct influence on business performance in most instances.From the perspective of strategic operations m anagement, Fisher at al. (1992) cited in Yee at al (2008) stated that employee satisfaction is not achieved without a cost, in a view of that fact, reducing expenses on employees is a viable choice for achieving operation efficiency. As reflected by De Menezes (2012), in which he ascertains that some aspect of total quality management such as cost reduction and increased productivity can stress up employee and consequently might bring dissatisfaction to work. This would mean that employee satisfaction and operation efficiency are inversely correlated.However, Mehra and Ranganathan (2011) suggest that implementing total quality management can have positive affect in job satisfaction if components like employee empowerment, teamwork, top management commitment can be developed within the organization. In the public sector, however, training and personal development was found to be the most important factor on employee satisfaction as training of workforce provides various benefits to o rganizations such as fewer production errors, increased productivity, decreased turnover and improved safety (Turkyilmaz, 2011).So it is true that, investment on employees’ training can also be fruitful to operation efficiency. When it is about the pay satisfaction it is said that high pay does not always lead to job satisfaction. Mondrow (2011), states that, pay may help to determine if an applicant accepts a job offer, but salary has little effect on one's job satisfaction. An individual can be satisfied with the amount of pay he/she is receiving but intrinsic rewards and culture-fit have been found to be better predictors of job satisfaction.Pay will not motivate employees and human resource professionals need to ensure that managers comprehend this. High level of pay does not ensure the happiness or satisfaction among employees as job satisfaction focus rather on culture and reward systems (Mondrow, 2011). To compare with Facebook, Google has paid lower wages to its emplo yees but providing vast benefits had caused employees to accept reduction on their wages because it provides them job satisfaction fostering by company culture whereas Facebook is found with less employees’ satisfaction though the level of pay is slightly higher (Huffingpost 2012).However, Pelit et al. , (2011) has said that though the unfair pay can be a negative aspect of employee satisfaction but correlation and regression analyses indicate that psychological and behavioral empowerment has a significant effect on job satisfaction, and the effect is much greater when psychological and behavioral empowerment are taken as a whole. To prove the importance of empowerment in the company’s success Eesley et al. 2006) has said that intrapreneurship is the practice of creating new business products and opportunities in an organization through proactive empowerment; and intrapreneurship is propelled by an individual's or a team's willingness to take calculated risks and act t o create business opportunities that serve an organization's needs for growth and improvement.The development of entrepreneurial activities and orientations in the organization are principally persuaded with the elements of employee satisfaction like general satisfaction with work; employee relationships; remuneration, benefits and organizational culture; and employee loyalty (Antoncic et al. , 2011). According to De Meneze (2012) it is anticipated that organizations where the work force is more satisfied will show higher levels of commitment to corporate vision, less absenteeism and a productive work force.On the other hand, in an interview (Appendix 1) Andersen said, â€Å"I don’t necessarily need a satisfied work force, because satisfied work force is just sitting and waiting around, and eventually they’ll be leaving. Here I want somebody who is hungry, eager, jumps out of the bed in the morning and rush to work to do a good job. † So in practical situations, organizations are not really pleased in having just satisfied employees, they’re akin to employees showing eagerness and desire to come to work for success.Earlier studies by Brown et al (1993) cited in Yee et al (2008) have also found that there is no clear relationship between employees’ satisfaction and performance. However, it is reasonable to think that in certain industries, where there is direct contact with customers, the relation of employee satisfaction to company’s success can be higher (Yee at al. 2008). For instance, studies by Wan (2006) in the U. S. forest products industry have shown that there were differences in job satisfaction of the employees across the different levels of income, occupation and age.Moreover, education and gender had no significant effects on job satisfaction. No evidence was found that higher levels of education were related to higher job satisfaction. 4. 0 Conclusion The correlation between employee satisfaction and diffe rent factors like age group and education level, entrepreneurship, quality management, public and private sector, corporate vision and pay satisfaction has been analyzed to evaluate the effect of job satisfaction in company’s success.Based on the research findings it is clear that there is positive affects in job satisfaction but it can be highly influenced by certain aspects like top management commitment, leadership style, motivation factors, organizational culture and external environment. Likewise, this literature found that employee satisfaction has shown to be a key success factor to most organizations. It is well documented that the more satisfied employees are, the more motivated they feel to perform at work, and ultimately reach company’s goals leading to corporate success.Motivational factors such as recognition of work, opportunity for advancement, professional growth and responsibility will remain the guiding principles of any firm that aims to achieve a pe rsonal growth and stability. However, it is still doubtful how relevant employee satisfaction is to bring success in certain circumstances or industries. Also, private and public sectors showed considerable differences in the level of overall job satisfaction that they derived from the facets of their jobs like motivational factors; working conditions; promotional opportunities; relationship with co-workers and job security.Some researchers have found that the correlation between employee satisfaction and an organizational performance do not always go hand in hand. As economies around the world encounter uncertainty in global markets and companies try to find different ways to reduce cost, which in many cases have resulted in the reduction of the work force. This has resulted dissatisfaction among the employees in various level. Nevertheless, this generation of unsatisfied employees has not yet shown clear repercussions in organization success.Although this topic can be controversia l, which generalize the scope of further research to understand how satisfied employees could lead to business success, and comprehend how different factors have higher influence on employee satisfaction. 5. 0 References Allen, N. J. , ; Meyer, J. P. (1997). Commitment in the Workplace: Theory, Research and Applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Antoncic J. A, Antoncic, B. (2011) Employee Satisfaction, Intrapreneurship and Firm Growth; A Model. 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B. , 2011. The Great Jobs Recession Goes On. U. S. News ; World Report,  pp. 1 APPENDIX 1 Transcription of Interview Jakob Lyngso Andersen, 2013, FLSmidth Human Resource Group Manager Interview on Employee Satisfaction, Interviewed by Noreen S. Orcine (Personal), Valby, 14th March â€Å"We have of what we call a pretty engaged work force. Loyal and committed, and that’s what counts. I don’t necessarily need a satisfied work force, because satisfied work force is you know, is just sitting and waiting around or they’ll be gone. They need complaints. Here I want something or somebody

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Act III Scene II Consider the dramatic significance of this episode in the play

As an audience, we can foresee the sinister turn of events which will be marked by the appearance of Don John in the latter part of this scene. Having earlier witnessed the deceitful and slanderous plot conjured up between he and Borachio during their discussion, implementation of the plan seems imminent. And yet the descent from the comedy of Benedick trying to pass off his love-sickness as toothache to the threatened tragedy of Hero's slander is perhaps far more rapid than we might have anticipated. The earlier jovial mockery of Benedick by Don Pedro, Leonato and Claudio provides a striking contrast with the underlying malice of the deliberately ambiguous and disparaging remarks from Don John. Yet such ambiguity seduces Claudio and Don Pedro in a remarkably similar way to the double meanings and innuendo which deceived Benedick earlier on. Don John demonstrates an ability to manipulate his language in a successful bid to influence and target the weaknesses of his audience; that is, Claudio and Don Pedro. He has a shrewd understanding of the court and his insinuations about Hero play upon the tensions within it relating to honour and status. Don John opens with a customary courteous greeting before baiting both men with his declaration that he has something of interest to reveal concerning them both: ‘If your leisure served, I would speak with you / yet Count Claudio may hear; for what I would speak of concerns him.' ‘I know not that, when he knows what I know'. With their curiosity secured, Don Pedro conveys a rather convoluted proclamation of regret and remorse for the bad news he is about to impart, ‘You may think I love you not: let that appear hereafter†¦' and when combined with his fallacious self-deprecation, we observe further his dexterity as their sympathy and trust is won. As he continues with his tacit allegations, Don John uses a loose and undefined disparagement ‘disloyal' which would imply a certain reluctance to accuse Hero, yet his following remark; ‘The word is too good to paint out her wickedness' incites the other men to affix their own condemnation of her. A dramatic irony here ensures the audience's perception of this as a further ruse whilst for the seemingly naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and gullible Claudio and Don John, it makes the hurried offer of immediate visual evidence irresistible; ‘Go but with me tonight, you shall see her chamber-window entered', a crude vaginal symbol is used to further offend the newly enamoured Claudio, who in his youthful inexperience has believed in his betrothed's virginity. Their melodramatic exclamations in response to this, one after another, serve to indicate ironically how they, who tricked Benedick, have been no less suddenly transformed. Claudio asks rhetorically ‘May this be so?' and vows if it is, ‘†¦should not marry her tomorrow in the congregation, where I should wed, there I will shame her'. The marked use of sibilants serves to emphasise his fury, suggesting suspicion and fear to be the other side of Claudio's idealisation and the aggressive denunciation may arise from a personal insecurity urging him to make such a pledge. In Messina sexual relations are complicated by conventions and illusions, Claudio has already tried and found Hero guilty before even witnessing the evidence. Such a rash conviction is reminiscent of his earlier behaviour during the masked ball in Act II Scene I which gave us foresight of Claudio's impulsive and fickle characteristics, a man so easily influenced by the ‘hearsay' from Don John and his own irrationality and mistrust in women. Though it is easy to criticise and condemn Claudio for such tenuous judgements, one must not disregard Messina'a patriarchal society and the sense of superiority to women which regulated masculine loyalties. Such loyalty is evident in Don Pedro, who; when informed of Hero's alleged infidelity, endorses Claudio's vengeance by offering to ‘join with thee to disgrace her'. Such is Don Pedro's influence and arrogance that Claudio offers to accompany his departure from Messina on the wedding day. We must now question Don Pedro's willingness to join Claudio's slandering of Hero which not only seems cowardly but most absurd having himself been the ‘accused' by the same source of indictment – his rebel brother, the bastard Don John. Whilst for an audience of the twenty-first century this continued credulous behaviour might seem somewhat contrived, we must consider that Don John, a melodramatically sketched, stereotypical villain, serves a thematic and narrative function. His role is principally to expose the flaws within others, namely his brother Don Pedro and Claudio and highlight the shared immorality in his companions Conrade and Borachio as well as present themes of slander, noting, jealousy, honour, illusion and reality. Since the major complication of the play arises from Claudio's denunciation of Hero on the basis of Don John's trickery, and in fact therefore ‘nothing' at all, the use of such a villain as a dramatic device is crucial. Whilst only a brief episode in the play; the significance of the latter part of this scene is paramount to future events. The timing of the episode is most significant as Shakespeare distinguishes misunderstanding and misreport from deliberate and malicious deceit. We prepare ourselves for a potentially tragic consequence yet with the benefit of dramatic irony, remain optimistic that as the title suggests, this will again prove to be ‘much ado about nothing'.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

African Slaves Essay Example for Free

African Slaves Essay Slavery (449) , Slave (192) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? Rationale My project will be to examine the lives of Indian Indentured labourers between 1845 and 1917. The reason I am examining their lives is to prove that Indian Indentureship was just another form of slavery with a different name. The project will also assist me in learning about the Indian Indentureship period for my CSEC examination. Introduction Indentured labour was something like the last resort for planters after slavery. After the abolition of slavery the planters were left with a labour shortage. In their search for other sources of labour the planters tried Chinese, Madeirans, even free African slaves but each of these options all had their disadvantages. After a trial and error period with many different labourers, it was found that the Indians were the ideal labourers. The Indentureship period was supposed to be a fair, humane and just system unlike the African slave trade and slavery on the whole but this was not the case. In many aspects of the Indentureship period, it was almost identical to slavery. In the following paragraphs it will be shown from the evidence given, that Indians were treated almost as badly as African slaves, proving that the Indentureship period was simply another form of slavery. Indentureship and slavery are basically the same thing but the major thing that differentiated them was the fact that the Indian labourers were legally owned while the African slaves were forced to work for the planters. The Indians were cheated into signing contracts which they didn’t understand with false promises of a better life and good working conditions. The Indians were gullible and were easily tricked into signing the contracts  which ran from 3-5 years. The African slaves on the other were kidnapped in most cases and forced to work for the rest of their usually short lives. Their only chance of freedom would be allowed only if they purchased it, which was very unlikely. The journey for both the Africans and the Indians began with a long journey on a boat in deplorable living conditions. For the Indians the journey lasted from 93 to 113 days which was longer than the journey of the Africans which lasted from 6 to 10 weeks. Although both journeys were bad the Middle passage was a little worse than the journey the Indians endured. They were both kept in confined spaces which was unhealthy, especially if kept for long periods of time. Because of their confinement diseases were easily s pread and the mortality rate was very high. Life on the plantation was not much different because their living quarter were also confined. African Slaves. (2016, Apr 08).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary of Case Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of Case Laws - Essay Example However, the court declared the products were subject to taxation since they had been sorted and arranged for sale. In this case, the Supreme Court abandoned a century of precedents by declaring that the import and export clause does not hinder a state from imposing a nondiscriminatory ad valorem property tax on imported goods. The court further clarified that the provision, which bared the state from imposing duties or levies on imports or exports never, intended to prohibit such levies. The Supreme Court quotes case laws involving Low versus Austin and states that the cases were wrongly decided. The courts therefore obviated examinations of the principal issues that the parties had briefed. From the above case law, we can learn that, since proscription of unbiased ad valorem property taxation could not advance the aims and objectives of the import and export clause, it is only the strongest constitutional order should lead to a disapproval of such taxation, and the Clause's terminology and the clauses, imports or duties were ambiguous. This is because they did not warrant a presumption, which was intended to embrace taxation. The court therefore increased restrictions to the state requiring the state to avoid biasness by making restrictions on some business for tax that they should remit to the government. Another similar court case involved Complete Auto Transit versus Brady in 1977. Complete Auto Transit was a Michigan based corporation that conducted its main businesses from Mississippi. The company dealt with importing cars and distributing them into the state of Mississippi. In this case, the court in Mississippi imposed tax on transportation companies for doing business in the state. The new imposed taxes would then be distributed equally to other businesses, which dealt with intra-and inter-state commerce. In a unanimous decision by the court, it found out the taxation imposed to be invalid. The court argued that business dealing with interstate commerce should assume an equal and just way of sharing the state burden. Similar to the first case law, the court ruling in this case increased restrictions to the state requiring the state to avoid biasness by making restrictions on some business for tax that they should remit to the government. Moreover, the court’s decision es tablished four main criteria to be used in order to determine whether the state tax is valid or not. Moreover, the four established criteria’s would enable the people as well as the state to recognize unreasonable state tax burden on interstate trade. The four main criteria given concerning this case notes that, the state tax burden must be an activity that connects people to the state. Moreover, the state tax law must be fairly distributed to be based on intrastate commerce. Besides, the state tax law must be nondiscriminatory among the business community of Mississippi. Lastly, the court established that state tax law must relate to the states services provided. However, these criteria’s are only applicable if the congress has not formed other criteria is which would conflict with the regulations. A new but similar court case involved Quill Corporation versus the State of North Dakota in 1922. In this case, the State of North Dakota had imposed a use tax on those pro perties, which were purchased for storage, use,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Which Disney cartoon works best as a musical and why Essay

Which Disney cartoon works best as a musical and why - Essay Example Cartoons inspire not only youngsters but also adults because of their eye-catching and entertainment giving quality. Many such cartoon movies are made historically that are quite inspiring for the viewers and Disney can be categorized as the most influential production company for making quality cartoon movies for the viewers. Walt Disney has created many such cartoon movies that have taken fairy tales as their stories. The cartoon movies, which take inspiration from fairy tales and use that content, are very liked because of their dream like qualities. In addition to the dream like quality, the cartoon movies also make use of songs that are quite stimulating for the audience. Walt Disney has produced many musical cartoon movies, which has gained appreciation from audience on the basis of their quality production and musical songs. Sleeping Beauty is one such musical cartoon movie produced by Walt Disney Pictures, which contains all the qualities of being the best among many other ca rtoon movies. According to my opinion, Sleeping Beauty is the best Disney cartoon movie and works best as a musical. In this paper, the cartoon movie Sleeping Beauty will be analyzed as to why it works as the best musical movie.

International Opportunities Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International Opportunities - Case Study Example This is extremely tasking explaining why these companies opt to remain local actors. In the course of internationalization, firms prefer where business regulation laws are lax as they can benefit more if they need to test new products (Hoskisson, Hitt, Ireland& Harrison 310-12). Availability of market will work positively for this company that aims at targeting a huge clientele base. A good example is the tobacco sale will work if the regulations are lax. On a negative note, firms may suffer if the regulations are lax, as they may have to pay for some financial risks. In the case where the currencies are not well regulated, the firms may suffer a great deal. The firm may, therefore, operate from losses. Worse still, this company may not get the required products to supply in other countries. Political instabilities in other countries where they hope to venture may also cost the firm if the regulation laws are lax (Hoskisson, Hitt, Ireland& Harrison

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The importance of Ethics to Sustainable Growth in Engineering Essay

The importance of Ethics to Sustainable Growth in Engineering Enterprise - Essay Example In the instances where security measures are inadequate, the consequences are usually catastrophic. Although the threats are becoming more sophisticated, some organizations have managed to mitigate the impact by regularly reviewing their security capabilities and capacities so as to identify areas of vulnerability. In coming up with the cyber security measures to protect the information and the IT resources, organizations and individuals are required to understand the risks they face so that the right interventions can be put in place. This has therefore necessitated research on various malware programs like Trojan horse, spyware and worms from a scientific perspective. Empirical studies have also been carried out to help identify the relevant strategies that can be used to alleviate and eventually eradicate the threats originating from the cyber space. Based on the previous research, it had been anticipated that the future attacks and threats would be characterized by a combination malware with strong cartography. In the last couple of years, there has been the emergence of a new form of malware in the cyber spaces and it has put organizations at increased risk of suffering attacks. Ransomware has emerged to be a source of threat both to individuals and organizations. It has drawn the attenti on of almost all the IT system security specialists, practitioners and researchers. Empirical and evidence based studies continue to be carried to help understand the new emergent threats to allow organizations be prepared to mitigate its impacts. Teer, Kruck & Kruck (2007) notes that ransomware perpetrators are able to victimize the internet users and organizations by hijacking the files stored, encrypting them before demanding payment in exchange for the decryption key. The threat functions by exploring the system vulnerabilities and seizing control over the victim’s file and computer systems until the demanded payment is made. In the last two years alone, several

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

American Independence Forced Founders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Independence Forced Founders - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  there is a relationship between business and politics. In order to survive businesswise, there is a tendency by the involved party to play politics in order to have a bigger share of the market. For instance, when Jefferson applied for western grants, the Cherokee Indians played some politics by negotiating a treaty with the British government in order to retain every acre that Jefferson claimed.This paper discusses that  the Hard Labor treaty that aimed at despairing Virginia land owners was politically counteracted by some powerful planters such as Patrick Henry who bought 3,334 acres of land on the Holston and Clinch Rivers from his father-in-law. Although the move was seen as an entrepreneurial one, Henry’s intention was to distort the cutoff of the land with intentions of shifting the boundaries beyond his land.  Ã‚  Slightly after independence, there were disputes between squatters and influential persons such as Washington, w ho blamed the squatters for invading the land in the forbidden one.  In this regard, it is apparent that Virginia’s chose independence not primarily because of economic gains but rather because of political gains. This is why such influential persons did not allow squatters to own land.  Their intentions were to have vast lands that would allow them control the landless. If the intention of independence was for economic gains, then the land ought to have been distributed equally to everyone in order for everyone to benefit equally.... If the intention of independence was for economic gains, then the land ought to have been distributed equally to everyone in order for everyone to benefit equally. Eventually, the farmers who settled in most parts of the land were evicted by someone who secured title after the repeal of the proclamation of 1763. In fact, farmers were firmly opposed to the 1963 proclamation, since it prevented them from securing clear title (Holton, 1999). In light of this, it is clear that politics played a key role in such ordeals. This is arguably true because after independence, it took long before repealing the 1793 proclamation that prevented farmers in securing titles. The repeal caught the farmers unaware where only a few wealthy persons secured titles thus leaving many farmers landless. This is the game of politics as influential persons apply double standards such as retaining the 1763 proclamation to bar people from obtaining titles only to repeal it when a few people have already acquired titles. In one occasion, when John Murray became the governor, he began rewarding veterans with land. Basically, issuing of bounty patents is a clear indication that the choosing of Virginia’s independence was not primarily for economic purposes. Issuing of grants to veterans would have influential support for politicians. Although the veterans would utilize the land in an economic way, the motive behind issuing of the land in politically instigated. In fact, issuing land to veterans would act as a gift and is taken as an asset instead of a means of production. Therefore, very little farming would take place. In another dimension, many influential persons in Virginia pushed for Virginia’s independence to evade paying mounting depts. According

Monday, September 23, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example Keywords: diversity, race, gender discrimination, Hispanics Shore, L. M., Chung-Herrera, B. G., Dean, M. A., Ehrhart, K. H., & Jung, D. I. (2009). Diversity in organizations: Where are we now and where are we going? Human Resource Management Review, 117–133. In this article, the authors attempt to provide a comprehensive account for the drivers behind diversity and its outcomes. Several dimensions of diversity have been identified including that pertaining to age, race, ethnicity, gender, culture and disability). Each of these dimensions has been examined in the article along with studying the common theme across all these dimensions. On the basis of these dimensions, the authors provide an integrated approach to understanding diversity. The authors possess sufficient academic qualifications (some with teaching experiences) that has enabled them undertake a coherent and comprehensive analysis of literature pertaining to diversity. By virtue of this study they have come to conc lude that diversity ought to be viewed more positively as opposed to the negative connotation attached with it. The very mention of diversity sparks attention towards something that is not normal. In other words, pointing towards preferential treatment of specific races, gender, age etc. is in itself a discriminatory practice. The authors have, therefore, managed to point out the limitations of previous studies by referring to specific suggestions in the form of a model for diversity. Although the model has not been empirically tested (which is its biggest weakness) it does provide a strong basis on which researchers could conduct experiments and demonstrate empirical results. Hence, this could prove to be a significant contribution in the way in which diversity is perceived, thereby marking a paradigm shift. Podsiadlowski, A., Groschke, D., Kogler, M., Springer, C., & Zee, K. v. (2013). Managing a culturally diverse workforce: Diversity perspectives. International Journal of Interc ultural Relations,159-175. In this article, the authors conduct two studies for the analysis of the approach organizations take to the management of diversity. Primary data obtained from interviews showed insights into the management of culturally diverse employees. The authors suggest the adoption of a â€Å"specific† approach linked with the initiatives to tackle diversity in organizations. Furthermore, the use of Diversity Perception Questionnaire has been suggested to account for the gap between the actual and expected diversity management outcomes. Although the authors tend to be knowledgeable and credible in terms of their analysis, there are limitations to this study. Since the study is based on Austrian organizations it is difficult to generalize its results and suggestions for global practice. The influence of organizational culture in diversity management was not explored which questions the comprehensiveness of the study. Bielby, W. T. (2000). Minimizing workplace gender and racial bias. Contemporary Sociology, 120-129. The author in this article attempts to provide the basis or justification for diversity management by defining the nature and extent of gender and racial bias in organizations. The cognitive basis for stereotyping is discussed along with a criticism on the organizational practices that sustain this bias. Finally, the approaches to counter this discriminatory behavior are described with EEO

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Favorite Food Essay Example for Free

Favorite Food Essay Donny is estranged from his son, who, embarrassed by Donnys immaturity, has changed his name to Todd Peterson and managed to become a successful businessman. He has recently arrived at the Cape Cod house of his boss, where he is to be married to Jamie (Leighton Meester). Donny learns from his lawyer, Jim Nance, that he owes $43,000 to the IRS in back-taxes and will be imprisoned for three years if he doesnt repay the money by the end of the weekend. He visits TV producer Randall Morgan, who had produced shows for Donny during his brief period of celebrity, and Morgan offers him $50,000 if he can organize a reunion with Han and Mary McGarricle at the womens prison. Donny arrives at Cape Cod to try to convince Todd to participate. Because he had previously told people that his parents had died, Todd introduces Donny as an old friend; Donny elaborates with a heroic backstory and, despite his extremely crude behavior, quickly becomes well-liked by the other guests, at the expense of Todds popularity. Donny tries to convince Todd to come to the womens prison to see his mother, without revealing that it is for a tv show, but Todd refuses. Todd fights constantly with Donny about his fathers immaturity, both now and during his childhood. Donny admitted he was wrong for his actions and shouldve stopped him, but he didnt know how to be a father. Donny joins Todd and his friends at Todds bachelor party, a relaxing day at a spa. However, Donny offends the employees and guests and eventually convinces the wedding party to attend a strip club where Todd bonds with Brie. The group gets drunk and high and commits various acts of debauchery. Over the course of the evening, Todd bonds with his father and agrees to meet Mary McGarrigle at the prison. Donny, knowing that a tv crew will be waiting, tries to stop the meeting from happening, but Todd goes to the prison anyway. Todd, Donny, and Mary are ambushed by the film crew and a disgusted Todd leaves without signing a release form, leaving Donny without any money. Donny overhears Jamie on the phone saying that she has been having sex with Todds boss. He tries to warn Todd, but Jamie comes up with a convincing cover story. Later, Donny discovers Jamie having sex with her brother. She pays Donny the money he needs in order to keep him quiet. After receiving a conciliatory present from Todd, Donny decides that he has to stop the wedding. At the ceremony he reveals himself to be Todds father and rips up Jamies check, and forces her to admit her infidelity to Todd. A disgusted Todd breaks up with Jamie and quits his job, acknowledging Donny as his father and even taking back his birth name of Han Solo Berger. The following day at the strip club, Han reveals that he is dating Brie. He offers Donny the money to help pay for the unpaid taxes, but he refuses stating that its time for him to grow up and accept responsibility. Donny is preparing to go to prison when a bet he placed wins him enough money to satisfy the IRS. The film ends with Donny and Todd celebrating with the rest of their friends.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Investigate Market Potential For An E Commerce Information Technology Essay

Investigate Market Potential For An E Commerce Information Technology Essay I have decided to analyse the potential of B2C e-commerce business, operating in United Kingdom, France and Germany, selling the equestrian equipments. According to European Horse Network statistics the horse industry is a growing by 5% a year, generating about 100 billion euros a year of economic impact. (European Horse Network, 2010) In the UK alone there is 3.5 million people who have ridden a horse at least once per a year, giving insight in to a size of the possible market. (, 2012) Leisure riding is in general more popular than a lecture riding; Great Britain has a 600 riding schools, but an average price is one of the highest from all european countries. On the other markets in Germany and France, the prices are on average 3 times lower and they have a much larger number of a riding schools about 7000 and 4000 respectively.(Liljenstolpe, 2009) These Factors and the high popularity of horse riding sports in selected countries creating demand for equestrian equipments, clothes and accessories. About 70% of riders are women and according to (Barletta, 2003) women control over 80% of a household spendings. Based on these data we can assume that most of the potential customers will be women and so the marketing and the selection of the goods needs to be modified for this purpose. The assortment needs to be of a wide range from childrens clothing to the accessories which doesnt have to be necessary to carry out an activity, but to fulfil a fashion function as well. For every business its important to estimate the length of a period in which the customers are going to return to the shop. (Stricker, 2008) A quarter of the UK equestrian market is represented by people under 16, this imply that the clothes has to be purchased for them more often, due to their constant physical development. Its estimated that about 8% of horse users in the UK are disabled, hippo-therapy is a main way of their interaction with the horses and to address this niche market, its necessary to provide therapeutic riding equipments in our store. (RDA, 2012) Kamil Bublis Student No.: 122012 Assignment 3 page 2 This e-commerce is aiming to provide the services in three countries and for this purpose it is necessary to have a quality distribution channel and this can be outsourced to a supplier using drop shipping, which is a form of shipping directly from the suppliers to the clients. In order to compete abroad there may be a need to accommodate a local suppliers of that particular country to keep the costs of final product competitive. Threat to the business is also a strong competitors base on a well established market, where it will be hard to compete with an aggressive price politics for a newly established business, therefore it will be better to focus on providing better services and flexible delivery times, which could be a key to gain a part of the market share. (COM, 2012) 3.2 evaluate current e-Commerce systems in use by organizations. Businesses have a wide variety of e-commerce solutions to chose from, but based on previous analysis, only few of them are suitable for the chosen e-commerce. Amazon was one of the first e-commerce businesses starting in 1995 by Jeff Bezos and is currently offering an Amazon Webstore platform to the public, to host there their e-commerce businesses. (Amazon, 2012) Advantages for a business using amazon services are international presence in countries where Amazon is carrying out their business, large potential customers base, payment gateway and already built network and delivery infrastructure. For starting business selling goods, drop shipping is one of the least expensive way how to start e-commerce. (Stephenson and Rich, 2008) The seller doesnt get to hold the item, reducing warehousing expenses, but rather pay the supplier to deliver the goods directly to the customers. The need to host a website on an Amazon Webstore may be seen as a disadvantage because the website is hosted on someone elses server creating amateurish look and feel of the business, rather than having an own domain and starting business will also have to consider monthly instalments and fees for the service. (à ¥Ã‚ ¸Ã†â€™Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¦- ¯Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¼Ã‚ ¯Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã…’à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ã‚ ºÃƒ §Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ¸, 2003) An open source e-commerce system can represent a less expensive solution, but for a cost of need to setup and interconnect various parts of the e-commerce by the business owner. Magento is popular content management system written in PHP offering free and Kamil Bublis Student No.: 122012 Assignment 3 page 3 paid version of the software and will be used to develop the planned e-commerce, because of its flexibility and a level of control over various parts of e-business. (McCombs and Banh, 2009) Content management system is the back-end of the e-commerce website where the products can be added and updated. As I have decided to use drop shipping because of low initial cost and simplicity, the will act as a middle man providing inventory management, order fulfilment and be linked to my suppliers. Next step is to set up a payment gateway provider, such as for its competitive prices and no transaction fees, which is necessary to carry out an e-commerce. (Jones, 2012) The advantage over amazons system is modularity which allows to modify only certain parts of system like a hosting, payment gateway provider and to give a better control over business. 3.3 discuss the financial implications of an e-Commerce solution. From financial point of view the e-commerce implications can be separated to the expenses required to commence the business and the payment systems. Three different payment systems exist such as pre-paid, instant-paid and post-paid system each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Post-paid system is the simplest solution for a seller but also poses a credit risk in a case of a fraudulent customers, because the goods are delivered prior to receiving a payment. (Groenink, 2001) Instant-paid system accomplish the payment at the time of purchase, but require security measures in form of encryption of the communication. (LBC 2012, Lesson 9 Internet Payment Methods, page 1) This will be the preferred payment system for the equestrian e-commerce, as 43 million people in the UK are using debit cards and it is the favoured way to carry out the payments. (UK Cards, 2010) There is many payment gateway systems to choose from, but I have opted for solution, as they provide very competitive prices for a flat-rate. The company is based in the UK which is an advantage as the e-commerce will be carried out nationally first, with a plans to expand abroad and sagepay accept multiple currencies to enable this. Kamil Bublis Student No.: 122012 Assignment 3 page 4 An advantage is also a free Paypal integration, support for major cards and free personalised payment page so the customers wont feel that they have to be redirected to a different website to pay for goods. (Sagepay, 2012) Beside this, there are other expenses directly related to an e-commerce such as cost of web hosting, intermediary services like an ecommhub to manage inventory stocking and the expenses for solicitor. An online business has to comply with a laws of the country where the business is carried out, address privacy policies, data protection and website terms and conditions (Smith, 2007), to address these requirements I have chosen Pearne CO solicitors. (Pearne Co, 2011) 3.4 design an e-Commerce solution The e-commerce I am about to design will have only a virtual presence and therefore the website will differ from its counterpart, where the business is carried out in a mortar shop and launching an online e-commerce. These websites are distinct in their purpose and design. The most suitable design is a catalog website where the customers can browse the products, read descriptions and reviews to base the purchases according to them and the purpose of e-commerce for brick shop is to sell, but also attract customers to their physical branches. (Bushry, 2005) For already established business, the domain name is the same as the business name, but it should be short or easy to remember. (LBC 2012, Lesson 7: Designing E-Commerce Solutions, page 5) The domain name for our e-commerce will be relevant to the main products, reason for this is to improve a searchability of our website in the search engines, one of the main marketing tools for an online business. The domain name registration will be provided by the web hosting service for 2 years period. Using a hosting company has many advantages particularly for a small starting business, because the expenses related to the hosting of own website, staff resources and technical equipments can be high. (Lawrence and Tavakol, 2007) Disadvantage of hosting service is loss of a full control over the system and limiting software and hardware options, but the chosen hosting service provider has very flexible Kamil Bublis Student No.: 122012 Assignment 3 page 5 options to satisfy specific needs of developers. The website will be developed using Magento system, partially in-house and with a help of an outside designer to create the unique Magento template design to separate the business from competitors. The reason for this is a simplicity of Magento content management system for a back-end, managed in-house and an importance of having an outstanding visually attractive front-end for the customers. Search engine optimization is very broad discipline spanning through IT, design/usability, public relations and social media, to increase a natural traffic to the website via listing high in the search engines. (Enge, et al., 2012) The basic SEO practice is proper use of meta tags for keywords and description which in this case would be something like horse equipments, equestrian clothes and shoes. The search engines are using spiders, small programs to crawl and search the internet for new websites, but to speed up the process, it is a good practice to submit the website to the search engines manually. Marketing of an online business is a constant process during a lifetime of the e-commerce, starting with a website code, through SEO, paid forms of marketing and analysing of the website traffic to modify system to better target customers. (Remenyi and Brown, 2001) To collect and evaluate customers data from website traffic, business can use analysis software which is in case of a selected hosting provider included in a price. The collected data can be used in the blogs and social marketing to better understand customers needs. Testing of the website is an important part of the development prior to deploying, as any imperfections, technical or grammatical, are perceived by potential buyers as a drawback. It is necessary to test a payment gateway and try to buy and get delivered the products to catch any bugs or glitches in the system. Direct approach to get a customers opinion is a survey which can be conducted online and according to studies, the quality of the web based survey is higher than other approaches. (Spitz, Niles and Adler, 2007) 3.5 evaluate the suitability of an e-Commerce solution. The suitability of the e-commerce solution can be evaluated against many criterias and scalability is amongst them. It is important to monitor the peak traffic of the website and the performance of the servers and network infrastructure to avoid the bottlenecks. The web Kamil Bublis Student No.: 122012 Assignment 3 page 6 hosting provider provide an unlimited network bandwidth, which create room for more traffic in the future. Another important factor is a flexibility of product catalog in the e-commerce to accommodate to a future changes of the product range. It is down to a database design for a content management system, to be able to address future items and incorporate them easily to an e-commerce. (Oracle Corporation, 2011) Modularity of proposed e-commerce system, instead of single platform, create a higher requirements to manage different parts of the e-commerce from supplier chain, payment gateway to CMS, but also enable to change particular element to save costs or to provide more powerful services. Website metrics can be used to measure an e-commerce performance, usability and security, but as the evaluated e-commerce doesnt provide us with the performance or usability data, I will focus on a security of an e-commerce. (Abd El-Aleem, et al., 2007) The web hosting provider is offering an advanced SSL security certificates for data encryption required during transmissions of personal data and are used in conjunction with a digital certificate. Purpose of digital certificate is to prove the identity of particular server or in this case a business. (LBC 2012, Lesson 7: Designing E-Commerce Solutions, page 3) The feasibility study is an analytic tool used to estimate how a business would operate under a set of assumptions about technology, equipment and capital needs. (Katimuneetorn, 2008) The cost of technology in chosen e-commerce are expenses for web hosting, payment gateway and development of website, these costs are also a running expenditures for e-commerce, except the cost of website development. (Abdul, 2009)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Intimate Encounter Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

Intimate Encounter I needed a weekend away from the all too humdrum existence of day-to-day living. I decided that a good diversion might be to hike the Appalachian Trail for a weekend. After class on Friday, I ran to my car so that I could begin this wonderful divergence from daily life. The parking lot at Carver’s Gap, my destination, finally came into view as I drove up US 19E. Across the road, a short wooden fence separated me from my wonderful weekend of adventure. From the second I reached the parking lot, I realized that this hike, a great way to escape from reality for a weekend, awaited me upon the trail I saw dwindling in the distance. Due to my college freshman regimen of a bad diet and no exercise, the first bald I climbed winded me. At the summit of this little hill, however, a great vista gently caressed my eyes, as the natural beauty of Tennessee flowed over me. Verdant hills broiled before me, bubbling away into the distance to pop upon the backs of monstrous mountains. The sweet aroma of the few vibrant flowers on the flat plateau, and the intoxicating sensation of the breeze pawing at my hair, made the scene picturesque and serene. After gaping in awe for several minute, I turned my back from one beautiful landscape only to find my self at another. The harsh winds of the balds blew around me as I came upon the testaments of the winds power. The tree line appeared as a mass of gnarled, knotted, dead looking trees, the guardians of the forest. The harsh winds had over the years, deformed the trees here at the barrier between the lush forests and the vast plateau behind me. The path wound through the gnarled guardians and the true beauty of my hike soon greeted me. The lush, vibrant fall colors on th... ... as my hike the day before had. The secluded intimacy of the forest stunned my sense and made me feel as if I were apart of a land no man had before seen. As I passed the guardians of the forest, those gnarled, knotted, crooked trees overlooking the balds, I bid them farewell and a thank you also, for protecting the secluded interior forest from the harsh winds of the balds. My car squatted in the parking lot like a bug on a blackened, cooled, lava flow. I dreaded going back to my normal life after enjoying a weekend of such freedom and pleasure. Duties and obligations began to flitter though my mind as I once again began to think like an insect in a hive. I looked back over my shoulder, fondly remembering the freedom the wonderful weekend blessed me with, and vowed that I would once again return to experience the pleasure and seclusion that lay hidden therein.

The Usefulness of Sub-Cultural Theories in Understanding Crime and Devi

I am going to be assessing the usefulness of sub cultural theories in understanding crime and deviance. The functionalist suggested that understanding deviance lies in the studying it function for society rather than the individual itself. Also consensus is essential for society to function. All functionalist therefore argues that forms of social control are necessary to check deviant and to maintain social order. Merton theory of anomie is based on the ideas of the functionalist. Anomie encourages deviance. Merton understood crime and deviance to be a response to the inability to achieve social goals. This is often referred to as a strain theory of crime, since Merton highlighted a tension or strains between the cultural goals of a society and the legitimate or institutionalised means of achieving these goals. Merton work can be seen to be the influence by the American dream provided that you work hard in a good job, money a good house and a luxurious lifestyle can be yours. However he said that when the values or culture goals are internalised, many people don’t live up to it or achieve it. Merton presents five modes of adapting to strain caused by the restricted access to socially approved goals and means. He did not mean that everyone who was denied access to society's goals became deviant. Rather the response, or modes of adaptation, depends on the individual's attitudes toward cultural goals and the institutional means to attain them. Conformity is the most common mode of adaptation. Individuals accept both the goals as well as the prescribed means for achieving those goals. Conformists will accept, though n... ... of society because of their position in the social structure usually a class position. Cohen argues that although groups of working class youths may originally accept the wider social goals, their growing awareness of their inability to achieve goals leads to the development of status frustration, where the goals are rejected. Instead, new and deviant goals are formed and a delinquent subculture is formed. Cloward and Ohlin take these ideas further. They contend that as well a legitimate opportunities varying for the successful achievement of wider social goals. Illegitimate opportunities also differ. Thus, some young people are able to join a local gang or to take up a life of crime, but others lack even these choices. These individuals become double failureand usually retreat to a life of violence, drug abuse etc.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Colonialism and the Heart of Darkness Essay examples -- Essays Papers

Colonialism and the Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, is a work that strongly attacks colonialism and its affects not only upon the native population but also upon the colonizers invading the land. Conrad experienced being colonized as a young boy in a Poland under Russian occupation. He also witnessed the affects of colonialism upon a colonizer while he commanded a river steamer in the Dutch Congo. He relays these experiences through the eyes of his character Marlow who is a riverboat captain as well. The attacks upon colonialism come in three classes: directly, ironically, and metaphorically. Conrad attacks colonialism directly throughout the book. Obvious and scathing statements are made telling of the horrors of colonialism. One example is Marlow and his description of the Roman colonization of ancient Britain: They grabbed what they could get for the sake of what was to be got. It was just robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind†¦. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much (Conrad 140). Through this statement Conrad attacks the vicious and selfish nature that colonialism infests upon colonizers. Another direct attack is Marlows description of the natives. They faced hardships and atrocities, many of whic...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Flooding in South Africa

Assignment GEO 234 D Sonnekus 2011042526 Flooding In South-Africa A Deeper Insight to What Happens Around Us [pic] Photo: Ivan Sonnekus 2012 Index Page Number 1. Introduction3 2. The Nature Of Flooding3 3. The Main Causes Of Flooding In South-Africa4 4. The Effect Of Development On Flood Hazards in SA5 5. The Effect Of The Economic Status Of People – Regarding Flood Hazards6 6. Conclusion7 7. Bibliography8 1. IntroductionFloods play a major role in our everyday lives, and how we react to the daily changing climate is of course our way of surviving our planetary conditions. Floods determine our building styles and play a very large role in the economy by means of devastating destruction and environmental engineer specialists in terms of flood prevention. The hydrological definition for a flood states that a flood is a rise in water level in a stream to a peak point where after the water level will recede at a slower rate (UNESCO-WMO 1974).  Control Key and Word – Text and Graphics.A flood event can be described as a flow of water in a stream constituting a distinct progressive rise, culminating into a crest, together with the recession that follows the crest (Linsley, 1942). In this Assignment I will be explaining some key features about flooding regarding a South-African point of view. 2. The Nature of Flooding. Floods can be broken down into different classes or divisions between different types of floods in this section I will explain the main flood types and their nature.Floods can be divided between major floods, minor floods and flash floods. Major Floods: In the event of a major flood the flooding is caused by the overflowing of rivers and dams by means of breaks in dikes, levees, dam walls and other protective structures; by uncontrollable releases of impounded water in reservoirs and by the accumulation of excessive runoff. In the case of a major flood the floodwaters will cover a wide spread contiguous area and will spread rapidly to ad joining areas of relatively lower elevations.The flooding will be deep in most parts of the total flooded area and there is a highly perceptible current as the flood spreads to a greater extent. [pic] Minor Floods: In the cause of a minor flood the inundation may or may not be due to overbanking. If there is no bank overflow, flooding happens due to the accumulation of excessive surface run-off in lower lying flat areas. In these cases flooding will mostly be restricted to flood plains along a river channel or low-lying areas or terrain depressions around the direct source of the flood.The flood water will be shallow and there may not be a perceptible flow apparent or present. Flash Floods: Flash floods is as the name states a flood that happens relatively quick, normally no more than 6 hours to a normal flooding time of 12 to 24 hours or longer. Flash floods is the result of a short concentration time of the drainage catchment or a steep river slope, this means that the precipitati on falling on a point in the catchment farthest from the river takes a very short time to reach the river itself and become a part of the stream flow.Thus the amount of flow will rapidly increase and the water level will rise, when the capasity of the river/stream is exceeded the channel overflows and the result is a flash flood. [pic] 3. The Main Causes of Flooding in SA. South Africa was subject to some intense floods over the last couple of years mainly as the result of cloud breaks and very heavy precipitation in very short time periods which leads to flooding of most small streams and rivers, what then leads to the larger rivers to flood.South Africa is also a victim of the Southern Oscillation which leads to El-Nino: dry conditions with high surface pressure and; La-Nina: low air surface pressure accompanied by cold and wet weather. See next page for simple diagram illustration [pic] As a result of the Earth surface temperature to keep on rising due to the greenhouse effect th e results being a more and more drastically changing macro climate which in turn leads to more rain and eventually will lead Earth into another Ice-Age but that is a topic for another day.The heavy rains on a constant basis keeps the rivers and dams full up to their limits so in the event of a heavy cloud break the already full rivers and dams cannot enclose all the extra water and all that water needs to go somewhere thus leading to floods, in most cases in South-Africa the floods will be flash floods. But there is also the chance of major floods in the form of a dam overflowing and then breaking the wall or even minor floods like in the December of 2012 the Ncandu River flowing through Newcastle KZN overreaches its banks and fills the Trim park with water at least 1-2 feet deep as the trim park is adjacent to the rivers. . The Effect of Development on Flood Hazards in SA Right around the world the population keeps growing at an alarming rate as the birth to mortality rate is not b alanced which leads to a world population always wanting and needing to expand city and/or town borders. In this case the chances are very good that eventually there will be building developments inside flood plains or lower laying terrain in the proximity of a dam or large volume of water.Thus the engineers of the modern world in developing countries like for instance South-Africa need to come up with new initiatives to improve building techniques to overcome the obstacle of flooding as the floods can be the cause of havoc among the inhabitants of developments within flood plains or beneath the flood level, and also cause a lot of structural and esthetic damage to a city or town. The MooiRivier Mall in Potchefstroom is a classic example of development within a flood hazard. The mall has been constructed on stilt type of tructures that allows the river to flow through underneath the mall but the engineers along with environmental specialists sought to come up with a few ingenious pl ans to prepare for floods of High hazard (1 in 20 years), medium flood hazards (1in 50 years) and low flood hazard (1 in 100 years) by means of designing a drop away wall where if a certain amount of water flows into a catchment a buoy lifts up and triggers a release on the wall which allows for the brick wall to fall down and allow water to flow into an drainage water way down to the central collection point at the bottom most point of the parking lot back into a stream (the release mechanism works on the same principal as a toilet bowls' float valve). The parking lot has also been designed on a slope (no flat parking) to act as a funnel leading water away from the mall or danger zone and down into a sub stream or channel. The Mall had a few good tests in the last 5 years of its existence and the engineers and environmental specialists did a good job to overcome the developing in a flood hazard obstacle (Jan-Albert Wessels. IAIA North-West, 2012. ) [pic] Picture: (Viljoen, MF. The Application of flood lines in land use controll. 2009) 5. The Effect of The Economic Status of People Regarding Flood Hazards.Flooding can and have caused a lot of damage in the past and will continue to do so as the macro climate will keep changing in favor of floods so all we can to do is to prepare ourselves and adapt to the changes of climate, floods cost the head of states and countries a great deal of money to develop in flood plains as well as being prepared to deal with any floods and the cleaning up there after. But it is not just the people on top that lose money, the people who actually live in the house that gets swept away or drive the car that rolls over or submerges, it is them that lead the most damage to their financial stance in life and 80% of the time it will be people from informal settlements or rural areas that lead the damage as they do not follow proper procedure to build their houses and then they build in areas of a high flood risk without them even knowin g.Thus the counties management somehow needs to get it under control as they have tried to do the in the past and actually still trying to do with regard to the housing subsidiary they offer to people of South-Africa. 6. Conclusion My conclusion regarding floods in South-Africa is that our main floods are flash floods that happen as result of heavy rains from the La-Nina time period of the Southern Oscillation, we as the people of our country need to stand together to make a difference in preventing people to build in dangerous high flood risk areas and also need to convince the children of today in developing countries to come up with fresh and new ideas to overcome development issues in flood risk areas. A countries economic development also greatly depends on its readiness for fighting disaster situations and keeping a disaster under control.A country like South-Africa can suffer great losses financially as result of floods that could have been prevented by means of making use of the right infrastructure on the key areas in developed areas as well as developing areas. Flooding is a natural occurrence and will never be fully under control but the minds of today can shape the ideas of tomorrow with that I leave my mark on the topic of flooding in South-Africa. [pic] 7. Bibliography †¢ Anonymous. 2012. Causes and types of floods. [Web: http://kidlat. pagasa. dost. gov. ph/genmet/floods/cause_types. html]. [Accessed: 14 March 2013] †¢ Department: provincial and local Government. 2009. National Disaster management centre. Flood awareness. PDF 5p. [Accessed: 15 March 2013] †¢ Anonymous. 2011.La Nina Influenced Flooding in South Africa. AccuWeather. [web: http://www. accuweather. com/en/weather-news/la-nina-influenced-flooding-in/44853]. [Accessed: 13 March 2013] †¢ SAPA. 2013. Floods Cause havoc across South Africa. Mail ; Guardian, Africa's best read. [web: http://mg. co. za/article/2013-01-20-floods-cause-havoc-across-south-africa]. [Accesse d: 15 March 2013] †¢ Anonymous. 2013. Definition and nature of flood. [web: http://kidlat. pagasa. dost. gov. ph/genmet/floods/def_nature. html]. [Accessed: 15 March 2013] †¢ SSC. 2011. The nature of flooding. Sunshine coast council, Queensland. [web: http://www. sunshinecoast. qld. gov. au/sitePage. cfm? code=flooding-nature]. Accessed: 13 March 2013] †¢ Department: Provincial and Local Government, Prof Viljoen. MF, Swiegers. C. 2009. The application of flood lines in land use control. Disaster reduction conference. [web: http://conferences. ufs. ac. za/dl/userfiles/Documents/00000/134_eng. pdf]. [Accessed: 14 March 2013] †¢ Times Live. (2011, February 2). [web: Urgent flood warning along Orange River. ] [Accessed February 14, 2011]. †¢ United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks. (2011, February 10). Southern Africa: Risk of food insecurity in wake of floods. IRIN News. [Accessed February 14, 2011. ] †¢ Anonymous. 2011. Floods in South Afr ica. Earth Observatory, NASA. [web: Flooding in South Africa FLOODING IN SOUTH AFRICA INTRODUCTION The aim of this assignment is to give background information about flooding in South Africa. These would be carried out through the means of research on journal entries, web research and different literatures. The nature of flooding, the main causes of flooding, the effect of development of flooding hazards and the effect of the economic status of people regarding flooding hazards will be taken into consideration. Definition of key terms Flooding An overflow of water onto normally dry land.The inundation of a normally dry area caused by rising water in an existing waterway, such as a river, stream, or drainage ditch. Pounding of water at or near the point where the rain fell. Flooding is a longer term event than flash flooding: it may last days or weeks (MRX webmaster, 2010). Flash flooding Flooding whereby it takes a very short period of time to form. In most cases flash floods few form and take place Nature of floods There are few places on Ear th where people need not be concerned about flooding due to their location.Rain is not the only impetus for flood even a broken dam wall can be the stimuli of a flood. A flood occurs when water overflows or inundates land that's normally dry. This can happen in a multitude of ways. Most common floods are when rivers or streams overflow their banks. Excessive rain, a ruptured dam or levee, rapid ice melting in the mountains, or even an unfortunately placed beaver dam can overwhelm a river and send it spreading over the adjacent land, called a floodplain. Coastal flooding occurs when a large storm or tsunami causes the sea to surge inland (National Geographic Society, 2011).Most floods take hours or days to develop, giving residents enough time to prepare or evacuate. Others happen quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous and cause major damage to the landscape and the habitants of such an area. Disaster specialists have various ways of classifyin g floods according to their likelihood of occurring and the intensity of the flood. A hundred-year flood, for example, is an extremely large, destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century.But this is a theoretical number. In reality, this classification means there is a one-percent chance that such a flood could happen in any given year. Over recent decades, possibly due to global climate change, hundred-year floods have been occurring worldwide with frightening regularity (National Geographic Society, 2011) MAIN CAUSES OF FLOODING IN SOUTH AFRICA South Africa has been experiencing above average rainfall since December 2010 that has caused devastation on a scale the country has not seen in many years .This unusual weather pattern is caused by the La Nina effect, and the resulting floods have caused unprecedented disruption of services, displacement of people, loss of livelihoods and even worse, loss of life . it is reported that over 20, 00 0 people have been affected by floods and an estimated 40 people have died. A national state of disaster has been declared in 28 district municipalities in 7 provinces, with more affected areas being reported THE EFFECT OF DEVELOPMENT ON FLOOD HAZARDS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Floods caused havoc across South Africa .Heavy rain in a short period of time in the part of South Africa, caused more than hundreds of people to be homeless by heavy flooding. Floods caused many to seek refuge on rooftops and on trees. This catastrophe killed more than hundreds of people causing the death toll to rise. Recently these floods caused evacuation of the Kruger National, a game reserve in Northern South Africa. Floods also covered some farmlands and crops were killed as a result forcing farms to close. Most of the roads, dams and large buildings were damaged. Due to flooding some mines were forced to close, this the case of a coal mines in Limpopo. THE EFFECT OF THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF PEOPLE REGARDING FLOOD HAZARDS. Floods frequently causes major infrastructure damage of roads, railway lines, electricity supply systems, water supply and sewage disposal systems. Bribges over rivers are particularly exposed to damage and disruption of transportation systems follows. The economic effects of flooding are often greater than the flood itself. (Parker 2000) According to Parker (2000) because floods frequently destroy crops and livestock, food shortages are not uncommon in the aftermath.Floods may affect food availability in a number of ways. Food stocks may be damaged if storage areas are flooded. Serious flooding usually disrupts transportation of food deficit areas, particularly in towns, which are cut off from supply sources and have inadequate food stock. Impacts of flooding may hinder the economic growth and development that is the high cost of relief and recovery may adversely impact investment in infrastructure and other development activities in the area and in certain cases may crip ple the frail economy of the of the region.Recurrent flooding in a region may discourage long-term investments by the government and private sector alike. Lack of livehoods, combined with migration of skilled labour and inflation may have a negative impact on a region’s economic growth. Loss of resource can lead to high costs of goods and services, delaying its development programmes. (Drep operation international federation of Red Cross and crescent societies). Figure 2 three kid were during floods in Limpopo CONCLUSIONAs discussed under various perspectives, it is clear from the assignment that floods had adverse impact on the socio-economic status of livehoods for people in South Africa more especially the residents of Limpopo. It is also evident that there are varying underlying causes of floods i South Africa. Places near the flood event are the most susceptible to the dangers of the floods. Proximity of these places and poverty were identified as being the main cause of vulnerability of people REFERENCES Drep Operation International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, 1.February. 2011. MRX webmaster, 2010. National Weather Services. [Online] Available at: http://www. srh. noaa. gov/mrx/hydro/flooddef. php [Accessed 13 March 2013]. National Geographic Society, 2011. Natural Disasters: floods profile. [Online] Available at: http://environment. nationalgeographic. com/environment/natural-disasters/floods-profile/ [Accessed 12 March 2013]. Parker, J. D2000. floods. Tangler and Francis, National Academy Press, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand. SAPA. 2013. Floods causes havoc across South Africa, Mail and Guardian, 20 January 2013.

Monday, September 16, 2019

American Judicial System

The American judiciary system was found on the adversarial model. In the United State of America, the constitution founders believed that the only best form of government was one that would promote the welfare of an individual such as one social class or a director. The middle class was favored as the most likely group to promote the common welfare because they had in mind that the rich and poor would mostly be concerned with promotion of their own interests. The founders of constitution also believed that the common welfare meant having total protection to each individual’s natural rights of property, life and liberty.They chose a form of government called the republican government (Vaughan, 2003, p. 1712-1862). Because England’s powers of government were balanced and divided among the king and the parliaments two houses (the commons and the House of Lords), this system was applicable. This is because it best exemplified republican government. Madison J. who was one of the United States Farmers had his own definition to the republic as a nation or country whose laws and policies are made and administered by some of representatives of the people.He recommended that those representatives should be elected by a large number of people but not a small class. In addition, he figured out that such a government would fully serve the society with no special consideration to particular groups. More so, apart from their nations of republican government, natural rights and common good the constitution founders wanted written laws that would clearly show the rights of all individuals and extent of the power in government. The American constitution sets forth the fundamental laws and rules showing how their government is operated and organized.Although most of the countries have both unwritten and written constitutions, the limited powers of the government by a constitution which must be obeyed by the government is the one that distinguishes a dictatorial gove rnment from a constitutional one. The contrast is perceived in that, the dictatorial government has unlimited powers over the government and its natural resources. It is very difficult for the citizens to force such kind of tyrannical rules to obey the law because the rules also control the nation’s defense force group like police and military.https://www. netsafa. navy. mil/ipg/judicial-process. htm In a government governed by a constitution, the laws set should show the basic rights of its citizens to their property, liberty and life. It states that the government should have a responsibility to guard such rights. It also has the government’s power limitations shows the extent to which citizen’s lives cannot be interfered with by the government. Also it includes the ways by which the nation can be changed through the consent of its citizens.The constitution farmers in America borrowed some ideas from the British model and came up with a series of balances and checks so as to have protection against power abuse by the government. To avoid domination of powers by one sector in the government, powers are given to quite different branches of government. The two main power branches in a constitution include; the executive branch which has the responsibility of enforcing the laws, and the legislative branch which is responsible for law making. This information centers on the judicial branch system in the United States government (Young, 54).Although all other nations have laws and rules governing people’s relationships with each other, and other kinds of rules which govern human relationships like the custom, religion and accepted morality, the American’s judicial system appears to be a bit complex. The complexity is with the courts at different levels like in state, Federal County and Municipal bodies. It is not easy to understand the interrelationships although there are laws which clarifies jurisdiction and assigns responsibil ities. According to the judicial foundation system, nobody and nothing in the country can stand outside the law or above the law.In the United States, the penalty for running a red light in vehicles is same to the general or admiral because it is made for a season or private. The brief in the primacy of the law is basic to the citizen’s way of life. The law becomes the ultimate arbiter while the courts are its major guardians. The actions of all other government branches must have consistency with the laws. With regardless of citizens’ official status, social position, religion, wealth or political creed, they are all subject to the law. This acts as one major goal for justice in America.The court ensures same law enforcement upon the powerless and the powerful. Due to this reason the courts and the law are said to be the fundamental guardians of equality life in United States. What is more important with American Judicial system is that, once an individual is accused of crime, he or she is regarded as to be innocent until when he is proved guilty in the courtroom. This implies that, the burden of proof is left to the prosecutor, the accused victim requires not prove his or her innocence (Young, 54). Once a person has been accused in law violation, the law insists that such an individual be tried by a jury.These juries are made up of just ordinary citizens who are chosen to serve temporarily in court to listen to the evidences in case where by they decide whether the accused is innocent or guilty. They are not official government. In United States, judiciary is a quite separate branch of government. Besides the fact that judicial system is subject to the same types of balances and checks as for the case in legislative and executive branches, it is not controlled by either of them it implies that, courts are not in any way influenced by the executive and legislative in their duties.Their courts are perceived to play an important role in their acti vities to shape the public policy. They are seen to provide judicial legal interpretations for both civil law and criminal law. More so, they shape legal policy through appeals and trials (Harper 1998). After adoption of the constitution in 1989, the federal and state courts have used the power in declaring an action at the executive branch or legislature as unconstitutional thus making them null and void. Generally, the American courts are no only important because of justice administration but also due to shaping public policy.According to many people it is perceived that American justice is very slow. Yes it is true that the dockets of court are very full but all these aims at fairness in justice. The judicial system of America is an integral system where by the people’s rights are protected against government interferences. Due to judicial system body being set as an independent body, it is true that justice is being administered in light of the court room work groups and assembly line justice.According to the citizens, this is a very good thing because there is no difference between poor and rich in the law administration. References Young, E. (2005). Institutional Settlement in a Globalizing Judicial System. Duke Law Journal 54. Harper J, (1998 June 7). Collections: Judicial Watch Keeps Stern Watch on Court’s System, Clinton. Religious Studies, Philosophy, History, Psychology, and Library. Vaughan, B. (2003). The Evolution of Louisiana's Judicial System. From Chaos to Continuity. 69, 1712-1862.